Let It Be is THE novel for all who love the Green Mountain/ Butler Vermont Series. This novel shows everything. From tears to happiness, passion, loyalty, and what it means to love your children honestly and sincerely. I had tears in my eyes while reading some scenes and was laughing out loud while reading others. The interaction of Linc with his children or his father-in-law is fantastic. And so, yes, I highly recommend this book.
Jeder Schritt Zu Dir*
by Marie ForceLost In Love-Die Green Mountain Serie #12
The Butler, Vermont Series #6
Translation Lena Kraus
Original Title Let It Be
Publisher Fischer TB on October 27, 2021
Genre Novel
Pages 331
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB
When Lincoln Abbott first saw young Molly with her honey-colored hair, it was instantly down to him. He knows: with this woman he will spend the rest of his life. Forty years later, Lincoln receives a message from his father. Until then, Lincoln´s origins were never discussed in the Abbott family. But now, Molly and Lincoln decide to tell their children their incredible love story. From the pounding heartbeat when they first met to the day that presented them with a tough decision … (Personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
For Linc, it is clear the moment he sees Molly for the very first time, that she is the one and only. Molly on the other hand enjoys the summer away from her family. Sure, she misses them dearly but not the family business, she is about to step into. The summer with Linc and her work at a charity project is the best thing that could have happened to her. But when Linc tells her how he feels about her and that he is about to change everything, Molly realizes that there is more than only a brief moment of tenderness in her summer romance.
Marie Force shows that she masters the whole range of emotions in a stylish manner. Well, there are a few unnecessarily cheesy bits and pieces, but all in all, this novel is a fantastic reading tour through the grandiose Vermont landscape. It was just great to follow the author´s light, harmonious tone, and style of writing, even if the story is not always in sunshine. It made my heart really warm in places while reading.
The family cohesion that is shown here is nice to see. At the same time, the author answers a number of questions that arose while reading the other volumes. I always had to smile when Linc´s children clearly stated that they didn´t want to know or hear certain things from their parents´ lives. Form this the author has developed many delicious scenes that give the novel a particularly beautiful note. There are beautiful father and son scenes, delicious dialogues between father and father-in-law, and atmospheric incidents between a mother and her children.
The author brings the most diverse characters together, as the whole Abbott family meets here. And it´s wonderful to see how the individual characters have developed. It was nice to see how the love story between Linc and Molly developed and how the two dealt with doubts and rejection. Molly´s fine instinct for the worries and needs of others, especially those of her family, comes into its own as well as Linc´s considerations and decisions. His way of arguing is wonderful, and you can see once again that his thoughts are often far ahead of his children.
A novel full of emotions, a little bit of kitsch, and lots of love. Once again, Marie Force has delivered great cinema. Read!
Happy reading
*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Marie Force zeigt, dass sie die ganze Palette der Emotionen stilsicher beherrscht. Gut, es gibt die eine oder andere unnötige kitschige Stelle, aber alles in allem ist dieser Roman eine fantastische Lesereise durch die grandiose Landschaft Vermonts. Es war einfach groĂŸartig, dem leichten, harmonischen Ton und Schreibstil der Autorin zu folgen, auch wenn die Geschichte nicht immer eitel Sonnenschein ist. Da wurde mir beim Lesen stellenweise richtig warm ums Herz.
Der familiäre Zusammenhalt, der hier gezeigt wird, ist schön zu sehen. Gleichzeitig beantwortet die Autorin auch so einige Fragen, die sich beim Lesen der anderen Bände ergaben. Besonders schmunzeln musste ich immer dann, wenn Lincs Kinder klar sagten, dass sie gewisse Dinge aus dem Leben ihrer Eltern gar nicht wissen oder hören wollten. Daraus hat die Autorin so manch köstliche Szene entwickelt, die dem Roman eine besonders schöne Note verleihen. Da gibt es wunderschöne Vater, Sohn Szenen, köstliche Dialoge zwischen Vater und Schwiegervater und stimmungsvolle Begebenheiten zwischen einer Mutter und ihren Kindern.
Die Autorin bringt die unterschiedlichsten Charaktere zusammen, da die ganze Familie Abbott sich hier ein Stelldichein gibt. Und es ist wundervoll zu sehen, wie sich die einzelnen Figuren weiterentwickelt haben. Es war schön zu erfahren, wie sich die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Linc und Molly entwickelte und wie die beiden mit Zweifeln und Ablehnung umgegangen sind. Mollys feiner Instinkt fĂ¼r die Sorgen und Nöte anderer, besonders die ihrer Familie kommt genauso zur Geltung wie die Ăœberlegungen und Entscheidungen von Linc. Seine Art zu argumentieren ist herrlich und man sieht einmal mehr, dass er seinen Kindern gedanklich oft weit voraus ist.
Ein Roman voller Emotionen, einer kleinen Portion Kitsch und viel Liebe. Einmal mehr hat Marie Force groĂŸes Kino abgeliefert. Unbedingt Lesen!
*This book was published in the English language Let It Be by HTJB Inc. on December 24, 2020
Marie Force
Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes series as well as stand-alone novels. While her husband was in the U.S. Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland, and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island.