With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*
I am linking up with Caffeinated Reviewer and Reading Reality and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.
Stacking The Shelves #215
I had a beautiful book surprise in the mail. The German edition of "If You Could Go Anywhere" by Paige Toon. Thank you, Fischer.
Review Copy
Sunday Post #172
Last Sunday I didn´t do much. I created my Sunday post, visited some blogs, read my current read (making barely progress), watered the garden, and watched some TV.
The night from Sunday to Monday was very warm and therefore not really a relaxing night. Monday morning, I went to the shoe shop and bought some sandals on my way to the supermarket. Later I went into the garden and worked again on the spot behind the swing. Without the plastic foil, it looks totally different.
On Tuesday I asked at Goodreads in the librarian group for the addition of a German book I wanted to use in my Waiting on Wednesday post this week and thought about becoming a librarian myself and had a first look at the test, Goodreads asks you to take to become one.
Wednesday, I did the librarian test after I had checked my book request and noticed that it wasn´t added to GR. For me, it seems faster and more manageable when I can add a new book to the GR system myself. I didn´t pass the test. I worked my frustration off in the garden.
On Thursday I gave it another try and did the librarian test again. Didn´t pass it for a second time. Do I need a doctor’s title to pass it? WTF! The only good thing was I had a new book in the mail. I planted everything I wanted in the new spot and some herbs as well. And am happy as heck that the nasturtium is growing and growing and growing.
The next day, Friday, I did the librarian test for the third time and didn´t pass it – again. I am beginning to think that I am too stupid for that damn test and am very frustrated. And as if someone saw it coming, it is raining.
Saturday was a busy day. After another almost sleepless night, I decided to take some pictures for my Instagram. That photo session went on for two hours, including editing and the decision of what pictures will go online. The sun is shining, but it isn´t as hot as it had been during the past week. It is a bit windy which made it very enjoyable to take the pictures. After that was done, I got dressed and went to the supermarket for some fresh food. After my purchase, I went back into the garden to take care of all the weeds that were growing in the gap between the garden fence and the street. It sucks! The rest of the day or evening was uneventful and deliciously quiet. And warm.
Today, Sunday, I wrote this post and watched a bit of TV. I should read but somehow the book isn´t thrilling me so far. I haven´t been blogging much this week. The garden work has worn me out and so it is one weekly book wrap-up after the other. Hopefully, that´ll change next week.
How was your week? Stay safe and healthy.
Happy reading

It's that hot time of year where I don't want to go outside much and only the beginning. It won't cool off much now until September. I didn't realize there was a test to become a librarian. You can add books yourself even if you are not a librarian though. I have 2 friends who are librarians and when I either mess up adding one or see one which is messed up I email them.
ReplyDeleteAnne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Unfortunately, GR has changed a few things recently and will keep changing things in the near future. Regular members no longer can add new books to GR. You either have to place a request in the librarian group for every new book you want to be added to GR or you do the test, pass it and become a librarian. Thankfully I have a friend at GR who is a librarian. She´s happy to help me whenever I need it. Still, I am frustrated and a bit angry about all those changes...
DeleteThat's how I was for a few weeks too- just posting my weekly updates and not much else. Blogging definitely goes in cycles (and reading too, for me ha ha). That sounds frustratig about Goodreads. I don't know about that site sometimes...
ReplyDeleteBlogging does go indeed in cycles. And with the garden work, the heat, and some other things going on reading and reviewing has become a bit of a unhappy thing...