As I wrote it last year already, under normal circumstances I wouldn´t have given it a second thought about the how, where, with whom and how many of our family could come together in one place to enjoy a festive and happy Christmas Eve. Despite everything positive that came to us in form of the vaccine, this year Christmas is different from all the other Christmas celebrations I had over the years.

Last year, in 2020, we celebrated it scaled down already. Only my parents and me, and it was beautiful. And we had fun, despite everything crazy going on in the world.

Christmas 2020

This year, Christmas is again, different. There won´t be a big family gathering, at least not with my family. We already exchanged our gifts last Sunday when we met for a coffee. In 2021 there will be no Christmas picture with my parents and me taken under the Christmas tree. I am not even sure if they will have one. It will be a hopefully quiet Christmas and holidays where we can relax and enjoy whatever festive feelings we feel.

To all those who celebrate, no matter how and where I wish you Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Merry Christmas



  1. Merry Christmas to you! It is sad that this is affecting families so much- being able to get together- we had to cancel plans for the big family meet as well. But best holiday wishes to you and your parents!

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, Greg. We didn´t have the big gathering, yes, but when I think of all those, who had to celebrate Christmas in quarantine due to a positive test, I was lucky to be able to go at least for a walk.


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