is a weekly event that was originally hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This meme is a place that spotlights upcoming releases that we´re eagerly anticipating with pure joy. There are a lot of new books coming out each year and some of them catch my attention and will get a spotlight in my Waiting on Wednesday post. While some of them will finally end up here at my place, others won´t. I am joining Tressa at Wishful Endings and her meme Can´t-Wait Wednesday.

Today my Waiting On Wednesday post is about the German edition of Empire of the Vampire. I loved the author´s Nevernight Chronicles and after listening to the audiobook sample I recently bought the original audiobook of Empire of the Vampire. Doesn´t keep me from wanting this German edition too. I have no clue what to expect, except for the fact that reading a Jay Kristoff book is never boring. And the vampire theme is one I love since the start of the Vampire Diaries and the books with Cat and Bones.

Das Reich Der Vampire
Author Jay Kristoff
Das Reich Der Vampire #1
Original Title Empire Of The Vampire
Publishing Date June 29, 2022
Publisher Fischer Tor
Format Hardcover

The sun set 27 years ago – and the armies of vampires have been on the rise ever since. Little by little they have expanded their eternal realm and challenged the people for the land until a carefree life is only possible in a few places. Small islands of light in a sea of eternal darkness. When the young Gabriel de León has to leave his home village, his path leads him to San Michon, to the Order of the Silver Guardians, a holy brotherhood that defends the kingdom and the Church against the onslaught of the beasts. Little does he know that he will become the order´s greatest legend – and the last hope of a dying world.

And what are you waiting for? Let me know your thoughts about this one or leave me the link to your WoW and I check it out.

Happy reading & waiting on




  1. I still need to read this but it isn't super high on my list right now. There are so many I have to read first!

  2. I really enjoyed this one, I hope you love it when you get a chance to read it! :)

    1. I heard many good things about it. So, yes, I hope that too.

  3. Oooh! This sounds like an awesome read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog


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