With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*

I am linking up with Caffeinated Reviewer and Reading Reality and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.

Stacking The Shelves #165

I got some freebies. Please check if they are still for free at Amazon before you one-click them.



Sunday Post #122

We went through the first heatwave of the year. Our public bath opened its gates for the people again and every time I walk by it is filled as if there is no tomorrow. My wild herbs and the other seeds I had planted in early spring are growing like crazy and some of them are already in bloom. Other plants, on the other hand, seem to die. One of them is my beloved lavender. The rose I had to cut back almost entirely in early spring is in full bloom and looks great.



I got the papers from my health insurance for the dentist, so I could schedule my next appointment to get my broken tooth fixed. All in all my week was filled with getting paperwork done, being on the phone with my mobile customer service (the lady on the phone couldn´t find me in the system), and some anger with my neighbors. Ah well …

How was your week? Stay safe and healthy.

Happy reading



  1. Our roses are in bloom too. And lavender is so nice. Glad at least some of your herbs and whatnot are blooming.

    Have a good week! :)

    1. I was happy when I saw it. Now, things changed... *sigh*

  2. We had a heat wave last week as well! I was not ready for it, even though I know it is time. I wish I had a pool close, although I'm not a fan of letting people see me in a swim suit. Hope you are having a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. One done but the next one will come for sure *sigh*


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