With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*

I am linking up with Caffeinated Reviewer and Reading Reality and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.

Stacking The Shelves #164

Was a good girl. No new books.

Sunday Post #121

It was kind of a quiet week. We had a bit of a mixed and very humid weather. One rainstorm destroyed my peony, another hit me by surprise when I was at the local supermarket. I didn´t get wet but had to wait a few minutes before I could walk back home again. Working in the garden has become a bit of a sweaty job and I stopped planting new things. It is just to hot back there when the sun is shining all day long and no tree is providing shadow. I apologize for the a bit blurry picture. I was very exhausted after almost five hours in the garden digging out holes for the new plants and almost forgot to take a picture.

I wrote some new reviews, edited some covers and posts, downloaded some new covers, and began reading a new book. And noticed that I am not even half as productive as I used to be before Covid-19 hit me.

Our library has changed the rules again. I no longer need to book an appointment to go there but I am still not happy going there at all.

How was your week? Stay safe and healthy.

Happy reading



  1. It's certainly been a rough couple years. Sometimes I have energy and want to do projects and other times I just want to do what I want without some deadline for a few hours. I'm glad I did the flower perennials last fall, the garden this spring and now am on to the lawn. It's always something though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Oh gosh, the lawn ... that part of the garden looks awful. But I don´t see a point in repairing the lawn when the kids in the house don´t respect your work and destroy everything they come across. Ah well ...

  2. Five hours- wow! And same here- it gets so hot sometimes it's hard to work out in the garden without getting heatstroke lol.

    1. Before my Covid-Infection I had days where I was working seven or eight straight hours in the garden ripping out all the old bushes and roots. Now, I am totally exhausted after three. But that day my neighbor gave me some new plants and so I spent another two hours planting them. Not sure if I wanted to kiss her or do something else to her that evening ...


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