Not every book of this series is a hit. This one is. I had such a great time reading it and am glad that there was a long-missed couple involved that made me laugh tears while reading their story. Good, the story about Amanda and Landon is a bit different, but nonetheless a good read and with the sometimes hilarious dialogues you will find your fun as well.
Nur Augen Für Dich*
by Marie ForceLost In Love- Die Green Mountain Serie #11
The Butler, Vermont Series #5
Translation Lena Kraus
Original Title All My Loving**
Publisher Fischer TB on April 28, 2021
Genre Novel
Pages 492
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB
Landon Abbott can hardly believe it: Amanda, the woman of his dreams, seeks shelter with him. But how can he confess his love to her after everything that happened to his twin brother Lucas? After Amanda nearly perished in the fire at the Admiral Butler Inn, she sees the world in a new light. She is determined to feel true love for once in a lifetime. And Landon makes her heart beat like crazy. But do their feelings for one another also exist when they are tested? (personal translation by © Vi at Inkvotary).
After experiencing a dramatic fire situation at the hotel, she was staying in while in Butler, Amanda knows that nothing will be the same anymore. She is shaken to the core and tears seem to be her new self. For Amanda, a new situation. And when Landon and his family offer her shelter and a way to deal with everything, Amanda is grateful for their help – and love.
Lots of emotions, disturbing scenes, delicious dialogues, and two main characters serve pretty much everything that the family´s palette of emotions has to offer. In any case, it won´t be boring with Amanda and Landon. Marie Force has stayed true to her style. The reading speed is brisk and the characters well worked out. And in individual scenes, you get to see almost the entire Abbott clan. Just having Cameron and Will so close again was an experience.
In general, emotions are very important in this novel. Amanda is inundated with feelings that she thought she had long since forgotten. Something that has been repressed for a long time comes up and gives her a lot of trouble. The inner conflict that arises in her is presented in a sensitive way by the author. Well, if you are looking for a dispute with a potential rival for Amanda in the “fight” for Landon, you will look in vain. The few scenes that go along with it are so tiny and insignificant that they could be overlooked. As a kind of opponent for Landon, a different situation arises here, if you want to call it that. And this makes it clear to Landon and Amanda what really matters in life.
The author lets her main character Amanda deal with an old trauma that is practically brought back to the daylight by experiencing a hotel fire up close. After a few conversations with a wide variety of women in the Abbott family, Amanda quickly realizes that she has to come to terms with her past and learn to live with her feelings. The author shows the way in which she does it in a very varied manner, albeit a bit sad in places.
Reading a novel from the Lost-in-Love series is always a pleasure. At least, most of the time. This time the author offers her readers a wonderful story again. With a few minor blemishes, but still beautiful to read. So if you are still looking for reading material for a nice sunny afternoon on the beach or in the garden at home, this book is well advised. Clear reading recommendation from me.
Happy reading

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Viele Emotionen, aufwühlende Szenen, köstliche Dialoge und zwei Hauptfiguren, die so ziemlich alles bedienen, was die familiäre Gefühlspalette zu bieten hat. Langweilig wird es mit Amanda und Landon jedenfalls nicht. Marie Force ist ihrem Stil treu geblieben. Das Lesetempo ist zügig und die Figuren gut ausgearbeitet. Und man bekommt in einzelnen Szenen fast den ganzen Abbott-Clan zu Gesicht. Allein Cameron und Will noch mal so nah dabeizuhaben, war ein Erlebnis.
Überhaupt werden Emotionen in diesem Roman großgeschrieben. Amanda wird von Gefühlen überschwemmt, die sie längst vergessen glaubte. Da kommt lange Verdrängtes nach oben und macht ihr sehr zu schaffen. Der innere Konflikt, der dadurch bei ihr entsteht, wird von der Autorin auf feinfühlige Weise dargestellt. Gut, wer hier die Auseinandersetzung mit einer potenziellen Nebenbuhlerin für Amanda im „Kampf“ um Landon sucht, der sucht vergeblich. Die paar Szenen, die es dazu gibt, sind so winzig und unbedeutend, dass man sie glatt übersehen könnte. Als Art Gegenspieler für Landon tritt hier eher eine andere Situation auf, wenn man es denn so nennen will. Und diese macht Landon und Amanda klar, was wirklich im Leben zählt.
Die Autorin lässt ihre Hauptfigur Amanda ein altes Trauma verarbeiten, dass durch das hautnahe Erleben eines Hotelbrandes praktisch wieder ans Tageslicht geholt wird. Amanda begreift nach einigen Gesprächen mit den unterschiedlichsten Frauen der Abbottfamilie schnell, dass sie ihre Vergangenheit aufarbeiten und lernen muss, mit ihren Gefühlen zu leben. Die Art und Weise, wie sie das macht, zeigt die Autorin sehr abwechslungsreich, wenn auch stellenweise etwas traurig.
Es ist immer ein Vergnügen, einen Roman aus der Lost-in-Love Reihe zu lesen. Meistens zumindest. Dieses Mal bietet die Autorin ihren Lesern wieder eine traumhaft schöne Geschichte. Zwar mit ein paar kleinen Schönheitsfehlern drin, aber trotzdem wunderschön zu lesen. Wer also noch Lesestoff für einen schönen sonnigen Nachmittag am Strand oder im heimischen Garten such, der ist mit diesem Buch gut beraten. Klare Leseempfehlung von mir.
**The book was published in the English language All My Loving by HTJB Inc on June 23, 2020.
Marie Force
Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes series as well as stand-alone novels. While her husband was in the U.S. Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland, and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island.
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