With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*

I am linking up with Tynga´s Reviews and Caffeinated Reviewer and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.

Stacking The Shelves #149

Again, I was a good girl. No. New. Books.

Sunday Post #106

The past week was in many ways a nerve-wracking one. Last Sunday I did some blogging, visited some other blogs, and tried to keep myself from getting crazy. I heard the rumors that we might get stricter mask-rules and so I went on Monday morning out of the house and to the next drugstore, to get me some FFP2 masks. I thought I better be prepared before all the others go and the object of desire is sold out. Apparently, I wasn´t the only one who had that thought *smile* I waited about half an hour outside before I could go in. It was a bit of a shock to hear what they wanted for a two-piece set of those masks. Holy moly. 

On Tuesday I was waiting for the press conference, like the rest of Germany, where our chancellor wanted to inform us about the new rules and upcoming Corona-laws. The government's video conference went on for hours and in the late evening, we finally heard the results that had come out of it. So, from tomorrow on until this pandemic is over, I will have to wear either an FFP2 mask or a medical mask (or as it is called, too, an OP mask), when I want to go to the supermarket, the library to pick up a book or to the doctor or drugstore. And life took another turn to become more expensive. Later that night I watched the beautiful memorial service where Biden and Harris marked the over 400.000 Covid-19 deaths in the US. That number was a shock! 

Wednesday was a good and a bad day for me. Good, because I watched the live pictures of Biden's inauguration. Bad, because I broke the beautiful glass lamp I had standing on my desk for the past few years. For whatever reason, I thought I don´t need to unplug it while rearranging the items on my desk. Wrong. I was busy all evening getting all the shattered glass together and cleaning up the mess I had produced. 

Thursday, I started reading The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang. I had it in the mail about a week ago and considering its huge number of pages and the fact, that it came from a publisher and therefore has a deadline of two months to read and review it, I decided to begin reading it although I have not read the first book yet. For whatever reason, I am not in a hurry to order the first novel. Maybe because it is a bit expansive or because I am not sure how I will like the second book of the trilogy. Ah well … A few hours later, around midnight I read an article in a newspaper, that our President Steinmeier asked the nation to take part in a candle service on Friday afternoon by putting a lit candle in a window. And to show the picture on social media with the hashtag #lichtfenster (you could translate it #lightwindow. And no, I am not talking about the product or company with the same name *smile*).

On Friday morning I went to the supermarket to get some food, drink, and other stuff I needed. I got everything except for the medical masks on sale. The rest of the day I was reading and getting prepared for the candle service in the evening. Germany mourns the sad number of 50.000 lost lives to Covid-19.

Saturday, I went, again, to the supermarket to buy some masks that were on sale and were lucky. They had an entire shelf full of them! Yay! The rest of the day I was either cleaning my apartment or reading or doing nothing for a change. To be honest, I start to get sick and tired of this lockdown. And I heard the sad news, that Larry King has died. What a legend. 

Before I end this post, I would like to ask you all something. Would you be interested in seeing pictures of our new library? 

How was your week? Stay safe and healthy.

Happy reading



  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of your light - it's always a blow when you break or damage something you love. Yikes - medical grade masks for shopping??? It makes sense - but I don't think we have the numbers available in stock to enforce a rule like that. And like you, I'm saddened and reeling at the horrific loss of life around the world. The only light at the end of the tunnel is that our vaccine rollout is proceeding apace and finally, our infection rates are starting to drop...

    Have a good week, Vi.

    1. We see a dropping in the infection rate too but the mutation B.1.1.7 is showing soaring numbers. And that is worrying our government. Somewhen during last year at least one German company started to produce medical and FFP2 masks instead of their normal products. That seems to work very well. We are having some problems with the vaccine as you might have heard. Ah yes ... Have a great week and stay safe and well.

  2. Vi I know it is hard but it won't be forever. I think we will need better masks here but since even medical personnel don't have them I don't feel I should try to get them when I stay home most all of the time. I enjoyed the memorial and inauguration this week. I feel relieved and have a little hope now. I'm sorry to hear about your lamp. Stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. We don´t have a shortage of medical masks and FFP2 masks. And when the government enforces a law that you have to wear them, because the new mutation is infecting more and more people, despite a drop in the new infection numbers, you don´t have a choice but to get them and to wear them when you have to go out of the house from time to time. Otherwise I would for sure see it the same way you do. Happy reading.

  3. That is a shocking number and such a searing indictment of our leadership over the last months. I'm so glad we have a new government now. I'm sorry to hear about the masks going up in expensive! I've been reading a lot about schools reopening and various debates on this or that and read an article in Spiegel, and also some references to the meeting there in Germany between Merkel and ministers- it's so interesting to see how other countries are responding to this!

    I'm sorry to hear about your lamp. :(

    Take care and be well this week.

    1. It is interesting, indeed. I hope that I will find the same lamp online and that I can get it. But first I want this winter to be over... Happy reading.

  4. Replies
    1. I will show some pictures as soon as I can. At the moment I barely find the energy to write and create blog content. This winter is anything but good.


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