I am a big fan of the authors Green Mountain/ The Butler, Vermont Series. Till There Was You was very wonderful entertainment although it was a bit foreseeable. But if you are looking for a romantic novel with great figures for some cozy hours at home, this could be your book.
Mein Glück Mit Dir*
by Marie ForceLost In Love-Die Green Mountain Serie #10
The Butler, Vermont Series #4
Translation Lena Kraus
Original Title Till There Was You
Publisher Fischer TB on November 25, 2020
Genre Novel
Pages 411
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB
For the first time in his life, Lucas Abbott is really angry with his twin brother Landon. To gain some distance, he makes his way to a holiday home in the mountains. On the way, he gets caught in a storm and has to watch her car drift off the road in front of him. He immediately provides first aid and helps the terrified driver Dani. On the drive to the next town, they get to know each other and immediately feel drawn to each other. Lucas has never been able to talk to a woman so well and is delighted. Dani, on the other hand, immediately feels secure and protected with Lucas. But there is one thing she hasn´t told him yet … When the two finally get closer, Dani gathers all her courage. (personal translation by © Vi at Inkvotary).
Lucas needs a bit of distance. For the first time in his life, he is angry with his twin brother Landon. Because they are interested in the same woman. Amanda. But when Lucas discovers that Amanda is the woman Landon has brought to their joint birthday party at their parent’s place, he knows that he needs some distance. There is no way for him to interfere in the relationship of his brother with Amanda. And on his way to a holiday home in the mountains, he meets Dani. And from that moment on, his life changes completely.
A really romantic novel that was just a little too predictable. There were no surprises of any kind. Otherwise, it was wonderful entertainment as usual. The Abbott family is simply great and many characters from the previous volumes appear here briefly or slightly longer.
As usual, the author writes sensitively, gently and repeats one or the other in different ways over the entire course of the plot.
The author knows how to create her characters. And some of them stand out from all the others. Lucas's mother Molly is one of them. She knows what to say when to say it and how to smooth everything out.
Dani is a young woman who does everything to give her daughter Savannah the best she can get. But she is also a young woman who doubts every step she is doing and who has no real self-confidence. The moment she meets Lucas and relies on his help because she has no other choice, she starts to realize how much she wants him in her life and that of her daughter. But she also wants to be independent and see whether she can cope with life on her own. And then there is her past. A past she is not sure if she will ever be able to leave it behind without forgetting everything.
Wonderful entertainment with a few minor weaknesses. Here you can relax very well for a few nice hours while reading. The reunion with some characters from the previous volumes was wonderful and was a real pleasure. I can only recommend it.
Happy reading

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Ein richtig romantischer Roman, der nur leider ein wenig zu vorhersehbar war. Da gab es keine Überraschungen, welcher Art auch immer. Ansonsten war es wie gewohnt wunderschöne Unterhaltung. Die Familie Abbott ist einfach klasse und viele Figuren aus den Vorgängerbänden haben hier einen kurzen bzw. auch etwas längeren Auftritt.
Die Autorin schreibt gewohnt feinfühlig, sanft und wiederholt das eine oder andere auf unterschiedliche Weise über den gesamten Handlungsverlauf.
Die Autorin weiß, wie sie ihre Charaktere erstellt. Und einige von ihnen heben sich von allen anderen ab. Lucas Mutter Molly ist eine von ihnen. Sie weiß, was sie sagen soll, wann sie es sagen soll und wie sie alles glätten kann.
Dani ist eine junge Frau, die alles tut, um ihrer Tochter Savannah das Beste zu geben, was sie bekommen kann. Sie ist aber auch eine junge Frau, die jeden Schritt, den sie tut, anzweifelt und die kein wirkliches Selbstvertrauen hat. In dem Moment, in dem sie Lucas trifft und sich auf seine Hilfe verlässt, weil sie keine andere Wahl hat, beginnt sie zu begreifen, wie sehr sie ihn in ihrem Leben und dem ihrer Tochter will. Sie will aber auch unabhängig sein und sehen, ob sie das Leben allein bewältigen kann. Und dann ist da noch ihre Vergangenheit. Eine Vergangenheit, bei der sie sich nicht sicher ist, ob sie jemals in der Lage sein wird, diese hinter sich zu lassen, ohne alles zu vergessen.
Wundervolle Unterhaltung mit ein paar kleinen Schwächen. Hier kann man sich für ein paar schöne Stunden sehr gut entspannen beim Lesen. Das Wiedersehen mit einigen Figuren aus den Vorgängerbänden war herrlich und hat richtig Freude gemacht. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
*This book was originally published Till There Was You by HTJB on May 14, 2019.
Marie Force
Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes series as well as stand-alone novels. While her husband was in the U.S. Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland, and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island.
Aw, this sounds like a wonderful romance ^_^
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