This will be my third year with the Library Love Challenge. I hope that I will be more successful with this challenge in 2021 than I have been in 2020. Unlike many other readers, I haven´t been reading much the past year. I was too distracted by the virus and all the changes that came along with it. Usually, I am at the library as often as I can. Well, not this year. But with the knowledge that my library is moving currently into a new building which will provide way more space for all the books they are having so far, I hope that I will be able to read and enjoy as many books as I can in the new year. And I am looking forward to finding new books I don´t want to buy but want to read anyway.
The challenge is hosted by Angel´s Guilty Pleasures and Books of My Heart. This year I am aiming for the Dewey Decimal again, who reads a minimum of 12 library books and will see how things go from there. Maybe I am extending my goal during the upcoming year and end up with a totally different level or I will barely reach my original goal. Who knows …?
Runs: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.
You can join anytime. The sign-up will remain open until December 31st, 2021.
-Put a sign-up post on your blog or (dedicate a Goodreads shelf or LibraryThing) and link it in the linky below. Make sure it’s public.-Please link back to both challenge hosts and include the challenge button in your sign-up posts.-The goal is to read at least twelve (12) books from the library, but you can read more. While twelve is the minimum; there is no maximum limit. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you.-Any format will work for this challenge (prints, ebooks, or audios); as long as you checked it out from the library, it counts.-Books can be any genre (fiction, nonfiction, romance, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, etc.).-Crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed, including re-reads. The goal is to support your local library and save money.-Library Love Email: They are offering up an Email dedicated to the library love challenge. This email will focus on the quarterly posts. Everyone who signs up will get a confirmation email, you can unsubscribe at any time, including after the signing-up.-As an added bonus: They are offering up FOUR GIVEAWAY´S with this Challenge. They will be (Jan., Feb., & March), (April, May, & June), (July, Aug., & Sept.), & last (Oct., Nov., & Dec.). A link-up will go up on both Angel’s Guilty Pleasures and Books of My Heart; where you can leave your links for the reviews on your library books you read. So make sure to stop by to enter.-(Optional) Reviews: Write a review to enter the giveaway – 2 sentences or an essay, whatever works for you, but there is a minimum of 2 sentences. Not sure what to write? How about something like, “The plot was a delight, but the characters didn’t capture me.” “I enjoyed the story and really liked the characters.”-Please use #LibraryLoveChallenge when sharing your reviews, library pictures, etc…

Challenge Levels
Dewey Decimal: Read 12 books my goal
Thrifty Reader: Read 24 books
Overdrive Junkie: Read 36 books
Library Addict: Read 48 books
Library Card on Fire: Read 60+ books
Happy reading & good luck

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