From the first moment on I had the feeling as if I know the story and figures of Chrismas Camp already. Everything seemed so familiar to me. The atmosphere is highly winterly and with everything filled Christmas is all about. And after finishing it I can honestly say that this novel is a wonderful read and I enjoyed it very much. So, if you are looking for a winterly novel in a beautiful setting combined with beautiful romance – this is your book.
Das Wunderbare Weihnachtshotel*
by Karen Schaler Translation Mo Zuber
Original Title Christmas Camp
Publisher Fischer TB on September 23, 2020
Genre Novel
Pages 394
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB
For Haley Hanson, Christmas is first and foremost an annoying distraction from work. But her boss sends her to the Holly Peak Inn for a week in advent to work on her attitude towards the festival. In the small, charming hotel in the mountains, she meets the attractive Jeff and immediately feels drawn to him. To get the longed-for promotion, she actually has to return to her advertising agency in Boston as soon as possible, instead of baking, doing handicrafts, and hiking in the snow with the other guests. It takes all the magic of Christmas until Haley finally allows herself to listen to her heart. (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Haley Hanson is not in for bold Christmas decorations or getting into the Christmas mood all too deep. She and her parents prefer to fly away over the holidays and spend some time together without all the Christmas fuss. At least, that´s what Haley thinks. But everything changes when her boss decides to send her to the Christmas Camp to get her into the festive mood.
A novel filled with lovely Christmas traditions. The tone is light and the writing style easy to read. The entire story is full of emotions and contains only a hint of kitsch. And although I had the feeling I´ve seen the figures and story already somewhere, I couldn´t wait to turn the pages to see what would happen next. It was quite entertaining to see how Haley saw all the others at the Christmas Camp enjoying the activities there while she tried to do her job and get a presentation done.
With Haley, Karen Schaler shows a woman who does everything for her career and that her parents can enjoy a good life. But Christmas is not something that she has on her agenda. It wasn´t long before I realized that Haley had probably not had an easy childhood. Seeing her find her way back into the festive season and how she realized that all is not bad was a wonderful and emotional ride.
Haley loves her career. She wants her parents to be happy and believes everyone will be happy when she goes on vacation with them over Christmas. She does not see that she is missing something special. But her boss. And if she wants to become a partner, she has to acquire a certificate to prove that she is worthy to be a partner.
The way how the author shows Haley´s inner conflict is fantastic. That she wants the new position more than anything else in her life, but Christmas is not something she would give anything for. But seeing other people celebrating some Christmas traditions and doing things she never thought she would do herself is a different story. It was great to see all of this activity and Max made my heart melt.
A heartwarming novel about love, life, traditions, and the charm and magic of Christmas. Whether you´re a big Christmas fan or not, this book will get you in the Christmas spirit. Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, coffee, or tea, take a comfortable armchair, and enjoy this novel.

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer TB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Ein Roman voller schöner Weihnachtstraditionen. Der Ton ist leicht und der Schreibstil einfach zu lesen. Die ganze Geschichte ist voller Emotionen und enthält nur einen Hauch von Kitsch. Und obwohl ich das Gefühl hatte, die Figuren und die Geschichte schon irgendwo gesehen zu haben, konnte ich es kaum erwarten, die Seiten umzublättern, um zu sehen, was als nächstes passieren würde. Es war sehr unterhaltsam zu sehen, wie Haley all die anderen im Weihnachtscamp sah, die die Aktivitäten dort genossen, während sie versuchte, ihren Job zu machen und eine Marketingpräsentation auf die Beine zu stellen.
Karen Schaler zeigt mit Haley eine Frau, die alles für ihre Karriere tut und dass ihre Eltern ein gutes Leben genießen können. Aber Weihnachten steht nicht auf ihrer Tagesordnung. Es dauerte nicht lange, bis mir klar wurde, dass Haley wohl keine leichte Kindheit hatte. Zu sehen, wie sie ihren Weg zurück in die festliche Jahreszeit fand und wie sie erkannte, dass nicht alles schlecht ist, war eine wundervolle und emotionale Fahrt.
Haley liebt ihre Karriere. Sie möchte, dass ihre Eltern glücklich sind und glaubt, dass alle zufrieden sind, wenn sie über Weihnachten mit ihnen in den Urlaub fährt. Das ihr etwas Besonderes fehlt, sieht sie nicht. Aber ihr Chef. Und wenn sie Partnerin werden will, muss sie sich ein Zertifikat erwerben, um zu beweisen, dass sie es wert ist, Partnerin zu sein.
Es ist fantastisch, wie die Autorin Haleys inneren Konflikt zeigt. Dass sie die neue Position mehr als alles andere in ihrem Leben will, aber Weihnachten ist nichts, wofür sie alles geben würde. Aber andere Menschen zu sehen, die einige Weihnachtstraditionen feiner und Dinge tun, von denen sie nie gedacht hätte, dass sie sie selbst tun würde, ist eine andere Geschichte. Es war großartig, all diese Aktivitäten zu sehen und Max ließ mein Herz schmelzen.
Ein herzerwärmender Roman über Liebe, Leben, Traditionen und den Charme und die Magie von Weihnachten. Egal ob du ein großer Weihnachtsfan bist oder nicht, dieses Buch bringt dich in Weihnachtstimmung. Mach dir eine Tasse heißen Kakao, Kaffee, oder Tee, nimm einen bequemen Sessel und genieße diesen Roman.
*The book was published Christmas Camp by Avon on September 24, 2019
Karen Schaler
Karen Schaler is a three-time Emmy Award-winning storyteller, author, screenwriter, journalist, and national TV host. She has written original screenplays for Netflix, Hallmark, and Lifetime Christmas movies, including the Netflix sensation A Christmas Prince. Karen wrote the Hallmark movie and novel Christmas Camp, and the sequel novella, Christmas Camp Wedding. Traveling to more than sixty-five countries as the creator and host of Travel Therapy TV, Karen is constantly inspired by the diverse people, places, and cultures she encounters. All of Karen’s stories are uplifting, filled with heart, and hope.
Can we please all be allowed to go to the Christmas Camp? :P
ReplyDeleteThat would be something *lol*