What a wonderful romantic novel with a perfect touch of real life. If you are looking for a winterly setting, great characters, and romance, this is your book. The winter cover adds to the story, no matter if you look at the English edition or the German. I LOVE IT!
by Sue MoorcroftTranslation Sylvia Spatz
Original Title Let It Snow
Publisher Fischer TB on September 23, 2020
Genre Novel
Pages 395
Format Paperback
Source Fischer TB
Lily never met her father. But now she wants to find out more about her origins – and her half-siblings in Switzerland. How is she supposed to do that for her job at the Middledip pub? Now, before Christmas, it´s busy. And Isaac, her handsome boss, needs her. A trip by the Middledip Choir to the Christmas market in the Swiss mountains comes in handy. But Lily´s adventure threatens to slide into chaos. And why can´t she get Isaac out of her head, who finally makes her heart beat faster again after many years? A Christmas party awaits Lily that can change everything. (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Lily wants to get to know her half-siblings. That is the reason why she is working in a pub. Her boss is one of her half-brothers. But when is the right moment to tell them the truth? To let them know that she exists and wants nothing but their friendship? When Isaac, her new boos steps into her life, Lily starts to realize that things can be quite complicated and easy at the same time. Sounds confusing? Well, it is, and it is not.
Sue Moorcroft combines some great characters, a wonderful plot, and beautiful scenery (both in England and Switzerland) into a fantastic novel that I could hardly put aside. No cheesy things here, but lots of emotions and a main character to teach you a lesson or two. All in all, in an easy-to-read writing style and some beautiful traditions.
Lily is an independent woman with an annoying sister and two mothers. Something new and the perfect addition to the story. Gives this book the perfect touch. One of her mothers is not happy with the fact that Lily wants to know more about the father she never knew. And want to get to know her half-siblings who are out there somewhere. Her inner conflict to find them and to keep the right balance between her own family and her new one is shown by Sue Moorcroft in a very sensitive and wonderful way.
If you are looking for a novel that will bring you into the Christmas mood, this one is a perfect choice. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
*Fischer TB kindly provided me this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Deutsche Rezension
Sue Moorcroft kombiniert einige großartige Charaktere, eine wundervolle Handlung und eine traumhaft schöne Landschaft (sowohl in England als auch in der Schweiz) zu einem fantastischen Roman, den ich kaum beiseitelegen konnte. Kein kitschiges Zeug hier, aber viele Emotionen und eine Hauptfigur, die dir ein oder zwei Lektionen beibringt. Alles in allen in einem leicht lesbaren Schreibstil und mit einigen schönen Traditionen versehen.
Lily ist eine unabhängige Frau mit einer nervigen Schwester und zwei Müttern. Etwas Neues und die perfekte Ergänzung zur Geschichte. Verleiht diesem Buch die perfekte Note. Da eine ihrer Mütter nicht glücklich darüber ist, dass Lily mehr über den Vater wissen möchte, den sie nie gekannt hat. Und ihre Halbgeschwister kennenlernen möchte, die irgendwo da draußen sind. Ihr innerer Konflikt, sie zu finden und das richtige Gleichgewicht zwischen ihrer eigenen und ihrer neuen Familie zu halten, zeigt Sue Moorcroft auf sehr sensible und wunderbare Weise.
Wenn du nach einem Roman suchst, der dich in Weihnachtsstimmung versetzt, dann ist dieses Buch die perfekte Wahl. Sehr empfehlenswert.
*This book was originally published Let It Snow by Avon on November 14, 2019
Sue Moorcroft
Sue Moorcroft is a Sunday Times and internationally bestselling author of contemporary fiction and reached the coveted Number 1 spot on Amazon Kindle UK with THE CHRISTMAS PROMISE. She's won the Goldsboro Books Contemporary Romantic Novel Award, the Readers Best Romantic Read Award, and the Katie Fforde Bursary. She writes contemporary fiction of life and love and is a past Vice-Chair of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and editor of its short story anthologies. Her novels, short stories, serials, and columns have appeared around the world. She has created writing courses for the London School of Journalism and DigitalSea and is the author of a writing guide. An army child, Sue was born in Germany and then lived in Cyprus, Malta, and the UK. She's worked in a bank, as a bookkeeper (probably a mistake), as a copytaker for Motor Cycle News, and for a typesetter, but is pleased to have wriggled out of all 'proper jobs'.
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