It is kind of fun. I haven´t even wrapped-up the ongoing challenge as the year still has some weeks left and some new releases are still waiting on my TBR pile. But I am already signing- up for this challenge again and hope that it´ll be as much fun to do as it has been the last four years. The challenge will be hosted by Lexxie & Brandee at (un)Conventional Bookworms.
I am planning on reading books like I do every year. The only difference might be, that I probably won´t be reading as many new releases as I have during the past years. I said that for the NR challenge 2019 and with that challenge still going on, I can say that the next year will probably the same when it comes to me and reading newly released books.
But I don´t want to miss the fun this challenge provides and with that, I am signing up for the next year. I don´t know if I will reach my goal of at least 30 new releases with the knowledge that I might not reach my set goal for 2019. But hey, it is a challenge supposed to be fun for everyone who participates – and that is what counts, right?
There is only one thing I want to add (to avoid any misunderstandings). I handle this blog and my reviews in English, but the books I read are mostly German books, which means – for this challenge – that the German translation is published in 2020. And I will be reading some English books, too. And the ones I will use for this challenge are of course released in 2020.
As you might have already guessed, the 2020 New Release Challenge is a year-long challenge in which we aim to read books released in 2020. There will be monthly update posts, and each quarter – the end of March, the end of June, the end of September and in December, there will be a giveaway with the update as well.
There is also a Facebook Group, to have a place where we can keep up with each other, cheer each other on, ask questions, and get to know each other better. It is also a place where we can help each other to find even more new releases. So, make sure to step in and have some fun along the way…
The Rules For The 2020 New Release Challenge
-Books have to be released and reviewed in 2020.
-Other challenges can be used as well, if you are participating in the Netgalley / Edelweiss challenge or in the COYER challenge, books can count towards more than one challenge, as long as the ones you use for the 2020 New Release Challenge qualify to the other rules.
-The minimum length for a book to qualify is 100 pages, it can be in any format though, physical, e-book, ARC or audiobook.
-The New Book Release Challenge is open from January 1st through December 31st, 2020 and sign-ups are open until September 1st, 2020.
-You don´t have to be a blogger to participate, you can link to your review on Goodreads or Booklikes instead – so don´t be shy!
-If you want to spread the love, please use #2020NewReleaseChallenge on Twitter 😉
There Are Five Levels In The 2020 New Release Challenge
1 1-30 books per year – New Release Newbie - my goal
2 31-60 books per year – New Release Pro
3 61-100 books per year – New Release Veteran
4 101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast
5 200+ books per year – New Release Obsessed
To sign up, please link your sign-up post in the linky on (un)Conventional Bookworms, and there you´ll find some more details too…
Happy reading
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