With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*
I am linking up with Tynga´s Reviews and Caffeinated Reviewer and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.
Stacking The Shelves #90
Again. No new books here.
Sunda Post #47
Because of Germany´s most important historic events, I am becoming a bit political now. Don´t worry, I am not bothering you with too many historical facts or political ones. It´s only, that today Germany is celebrating one of its most important days. The fall of the wall.
Thirty years ago, today, on 9th November 1989, the wall fell. I remember that I was watching the news at home when the anchor said that the wall was open and people were free to travel from East Berlin to West Berlin.
Today, in 2019, and back then, the past seven days had been very emotional. So many things happened within a few days. And when finally on 11/9/1989 the wall fell, families were reunited and an entire country could start to heal and grow back together after over 28 years where a goddamn wall had divided everything. That wall has caused so much pain, anger, rage, and death. Don´t get me wrong, not everything that had the name DDR on or happened there was bad. There are many things people who´ve grown up in the DDR remember well, things they are sad don´t exist anymore. When I go today to the grocery store and walk through the line where all the sweet stuff is, I can pick pralines called “Halloren” – made in the East part of Germany. They taste delicious.
The words pain, anger, rage, and death are true anyway. The wall is responsible for the death of many people. Causing a lot of pain among their families. And rage and anger, that it happened. They were killed while trying to cross the border area to get into the West. The correct number is not known, but the fact that they died because of the wall, is sad enough. The towers are still there, not everywhere, but some of them are still standing – as a reminder.
I don´t know when or where it exactly had started back then. But I do know that on 4th November 1989 thousands of people were marching peacefully through the street, holding up signs, demanding freedom and the right to speak openly.
The days after the 4th of November 1989 are a time history books tell you about it. The emotions flying high, and with the strong signs that showed that an entire folk, the folk of the DDR, wanted a change. Till today I am not quite sure what the exact trigger had been, but with the news, that more and more people were fleeing the DDR over Hungary, seeking a better but far more important, free life, was overwhelming.
It is kind of ironic, that the man, who announced that the border was open with immediate effect, instead of “will be open 4am on 10th November 1989”, literally disappeared after his historic press conference. Sure, he had some sort of political career, but none I´ve noticed in the West. But his words are now the most historic misunderstanding, that led to the events that followed after he had spoken it out. Because only hours later, thousands of people were at the next border gate, demanding that they were let outside into the West. And those pictures are famous and shown all over TV-land when you turn your TV on to watch the news or a special TV feature about the Fall of the Berlin Wall nowadays.
Today, we celebrate on 3rd October, the reunion of Germany. That day is called German Unity Day. But the events, that led to that holiday, happened thirty years ago and four weeks later in November.
How was your week?
Happy reading
I remember the fall of the Berlin wall very well! And I actually have friends who chartered a bus to go to Berlin to get some bricks as souvenirs in November thirty years ago. I also know someone who fled the Eastern part and who managed to make a new life in the West. She still won't tell anyone how she did it. Because she doesn't want the way she did it to be taken away from other people who might try to flee from one place to another...
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week ahead and happy reading!
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms
That will always remain a mystery to the rest of the world, I fear. Many of those who fled the DDR don´t want to talk about it and for sure not about the route they took. Thank you for your visit and happy reading to you too, Lexxie.
DeleteI vividly recall seeing it on TV with a kind of wonder, having grown up with the Berlin Wall being a Thing. Glad you are able to celebrate the reunification of your country - thank you for sharing, it's always sobering to recall that others have their own issues, while we are in the process of tearing our own country apart over Brexit... Have a great week, Vi:)
ReplyDeleteYou are saying something with the Brexit. No words. I saw on Saturday, that the BBC brought the thirty year anniversary in the news and had some specials airing over the weekend. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week too.
DeleteDefinitely a cause for celebration, and remembrance. Thank you for sharing your perspective
ReplyDeleteWishing you a great reading week
Thank you for reading it. Have a great reading week too.
DeleteI remember the fall of the wall! I was 19 when it happened and watched it on TV. As you said it's been so hard for families when they had been torn apart!
ReplyDeleteIt was and still is. The thirty years between now and then have only changed a few things. But not everything, sadly. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteIt's important to celebrate this as Sarah talks about Brexit and there is much division in the US also. It's all about the greedy trying to have and control everything. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteAnne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post
You are so right! Usually I am not getting political here, but Sarah is right with Brexit and you with your political situation in the US. Whenever I turn on the news, I am asking myself what kind of "new horror breaking news" I might get to see. Hopefully both elections will change things for the better. Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful week too.
DeleteI remember all the news coverage of the Fall, although I was too young at the time to understand what it meant. It's good to take the time and remember important, world changing dates. You have a great week! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, this day has changed Germany. Thank you for stopping by.
DeleteYes the wall. Since I was only born three months before the fall I only heard about it. But I remember how my family talked about it in the years after the fall.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great week. Happy reading!
Yes, the wall is something, we will probably never stop talking about. No matter how many years have passed. Thank you for your visit and happy reading to you too.
DeleteI remember when that happened too. And I was watching a show this week that was talking about it. Powerful stuff. I'm so glad people are more free now.
ReplyDeleteIt is powerful stuff, yes. Thank you for stopping by, Greg.