I am thrilled! The Lost Princess, the third book in The Rosewood Chronicles series, is simply brilliant. With its Asian setting, the mixture of mythology and an ancient secret this novel gives you everything a reader´s heart desires. For me, so far, the best book. How the author will top that is beyond my imagination.
Prinzessin Undercover-Entscheidungen
by Connie Glynn
The Rosewood Chronicles #3
Translation Maren Illinger, Marlene Frucht
Original Title The Lost Princess-The Rosewood Chronicles
Publisher Fischer KJB on October 23, 2019
Genre Children 12+
Pages 377
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher
Ellie is a rebellious princess hiding her real identity. Lottie is her Portman, acting as the princess for the public to shield Ellie from scrutiny. Jamie is Ellie´s Partizan, a lifelong bodyguard sworn to protect the princess at any cost. Together they are attempting to stay safe from Leviathan, a group determined to take the princess for unknown reasons. When Leviathan forces them to travel to their beloved Rosewood Hall´s sister school in Japan, the threesome find, that nowhere is beyond Leviathan´s long reach. The only solace they find is a secret group called Banshee who are fighting against the organization’s hold. But when long-buried secrets are uncovered, the lives of Lottie, Ellie and Jamie will never be the same again …
Lottie does everything within her power to keep Ellie alive and well. But the moment she gives the interview live and in front of a camera, she knows almost immediately that she made things even worse. And when she gets the information, that she will no longer be able to stay at Rosewood Hall, she is convinced that someone is doing everything to keep her from protecting Ellie. But there is one chance for her, to smooth things out. Takeshin Gakuin. The sister school in Japan.
OMG the action during some scenes, the wild motorcycle ride through Tokyo and the panic in one of the figures face and behavior after that ride – hilarious! I´ve seldom had so much fun reading such a scene as in this novel. Connie Glynn, you NAILED IT!
The story itself is one great read. And with the Asian setting, the plot gets even more exciting. But when Lottie starts to find clues, she knows from the diary she owns, the novel becomes a wonderful secretive touch. Once more Lottie proves that she is a smart brain and can see things others don´t. The author´s style is the same as in the others. Soft, sensitive, and with a hint of humor. But this time, she´s combined it with quite some action, Asian flair and the unraveling of a long-kept secret.
Lottie is still the same girl. Not every plan is working the way she had planned. And not everything she says or does comes out the way she wants it. But there is still Jamie she can count on. Lottie is absolutely convinced that she needs to stay at the sister school in Tokyo for the summer. To get a second chance at Rosewood Hall and to keep Ellie as safe as possible. The only problem: Ellie does not want everybody around her in the need of protection only because of her. And Ellie is sick and tired of the fact, that she is the reason why everyone around her is so damn protective. Sooner or later that leads to a conflict with a very explosive background.
I am thrilled. This novel was fantastic. A great setting, wonderfully created figures and a thrilling plot combined with hilarious dialogues give you one heck of fantastic reading pleasure. And after that ending, I can´t wait to read the next one.
Happy reading
Connie Glynn
Connie Glynn is Noodlerella (named after her favorite food and favorite Disney Princess) and is one of the most successful princesses on YouTube, with nearly a million followers. In her other life, she is a writer and writes directly into the heart of the princess who lives in each one of us. The Rosewood Chronicles-Undercover Princess is her debut. But she already has enough material in her mind for at least four more volumes.
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