The Sprite Sisters is a series for all ages. I love the magic and the way how children and adults act together. This book is an anniversary edition and tells the story of Christmas and how problems can be handled with the love and support of a caring family. The setting is set before the actual series begins and after the books where the author tells her readers how it all began.
Vier Zauberhafte Schwestern Und Ein Wundersames Fest*
by Sheridan Winn
The Sprite Sisters: Anniversary edition
Translation Katrin Weingran
Vignette/ Illustration Franziska Harvey
Publisher Fischer KJB on September 25, 2019
Genre Children 10+
Pages 227
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher
Four sisters celebrate magical Christmas. On Cantrip Towers, the big Christmas is coming up. Flame, Flora, Marina, and Sky decorate the house with branches from the garden. But in one has hidden a small green goblin. And while everything is decorated festively, the Christmas visit arrives and smells it in the corridors for treats, the goblin sets up a lot of pre-Christmas chaos. Can the sisters stop the naughty gnome? (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
The four sisters are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with their family and loved ones. But something is odd. No matter where they look, the red berries from the holly seem to disappear. Some cake is missing and everywhere are crumbs. Something invisible is in the house, Flora can feel it.
The soft, sensitive style of Sheridan Winn, mixed with great humor, some hilarious scenes and even more hilarious dialogues make this novel another great read for her fans. The magic some of the Cantrip sisters already have has to be kept a secret. And with that, some things need to stay hidden and can´t be done in the open. The way how the author lets her figures deal with everything is not only great to read but also shows that love and trust in yourself and others can move mountains.
This book is set before the actual series and it is quite remarkable that the author has not changed her style. Cantrip Towers is as magical as ever, the winter setting beautiful and I could literally smell all the delicious meals they were preparing in the kitchen as well as the warm atmosphere Cantrip Towers has. Sure, it is only a story, but brought to you as if it was for real. Mmmmmh I wish I could have some of the recipes Ottalie the mother of the sisters, was cooking or baking. Some of them made my mouth water while reading through the scenes.
And I was laughing tears when I read the play Flame had organized. That was one piece of art! I want more *smile*
The Sprite Sisters are again portrayed in a warm, sensitive and wonderful way. Sky, the youngest is smart as hell and has her very own way of giving her elder sisters and parents a hard time. Because Sky seems to appear out of nowhere most of the time and that way, she gets to hear a lot of things she isn´t supposed to hear or see at all. And with magic in the family, that is not always good.
I loved in this book, how Sky is solving things, how she sees the world and that there is nothing, she won´t discover sooner or later. And when I remember how she started to discover her own magic, in the other books of the series, with this story it all became complete.
I am so HAPPY that the author has written another book about The Sprite Sisters. In fact, I was very sad when the actual series was done with its tenth volume. And this anniversary edition is just perfect for the upcoming Christmas season. If you are a Sheridan Winn fan or love reading this series, you should definitely go and get it. For me, it was a must-have and must-read. Hopefully, there will be another book of this series sometime soon. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language. The title was kindly provided to me by Fischer KJB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Sheridan Winn
Sheridan Winn lives in Norwich, England. She is a freelance journalist and divides her time between freelance work and book writing. When she was six years old, her family moved to a big, rambling house in the country. Littlewood House became the inspiration for Sprite Towers. She worked for The Times, The Guardian and became 2012 a self-publisher when she bought back the rights for her series The Sprite Sisters. The author has two grown-up children and a granddaughter. She has a keen interest in the Arts, film and finds walking in the countryside a good way to think up ideas.
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