The final part of this great series. In my eyes the perfect end. Emotional, diverse, fast-paced and with great dialogues and scenes. I had a wonderful time reading it. And the mixture of evil and the good ones was well thought through and shown in an absolute atmospheric way. My heart literally jumped while reading the fantastic showdown between two figures and I had to hold on for a few seconds after that one shocking moment! Aimée Carter, how dare you! *smile*
Simon Thorn And The Eagle´s Lair*
by Aimée Carter
Simon Thorn Series #5
Publisher Oetinger on February 25, 2019
Genre Fantasy
Pages 426
Format Hardcover
Source Library
“Now there is no turning back. Tonight, the fight for the Gryphon would be decided once and for all. Simon would save his brother – or die trying.”
Simon is desperate – the power-hungry wolf Celeste has pulled his brother Nolan on her side. He has even handed over the three parts of the griffin rod that Simon and his friends have captured! Simon absolutely has to prevent Celeste from getting the last two parts of the crystal. Because then she will kill Nolan to get his animal-trainer skills. Simon is convinced of that. He travels to the bird kingdom in search of the deadly weapon. But not only does he endanger his own life … (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary)
Simon has no other choice but to make a deal with his evil grandfather Orion. He knows that what they agree on is not worth the air it was spoken in, but what else can he do to find the last piece that will help him destroy the terrible weapon the entire Animalgam world fears once and for all?
The gorgeous town in the trees reminded me a bit of one of the star wars movies. And thanks to the beautiful writing-style the author has, I could literally see everything right before my inner eye. The pictures were amazing. The fact, that Simon´s grandfather showed his true face and seemed to be always one step ahead of him and his friends, was annoying. I never knew what to think of Orion. During some scenes, he seemed so nice and kind while in others he showed a cruel and evil face. Aimée Carter has kept her style. The way how she describes all the scenes, the breathtaking landscape and the story itself was one great reading pleasure. The palace way up in the trees, filled with things you would never imagine being there and how Simon discovers not only the new place he is supposed to live in but also how his people think about him and his family, that was one adventure inside the main adventure.
And the fact, that the story is filled with unexpected twists and turns and shows how some figures have changed was an additional plus to the already great written novel.
I am a huge fan of Simon. This boy is one heck of a great boy. The way how he sees the world, how he feels about everything is just wow. His sympathy for others, his friends especially, and that he simply can´t look away or even step away when another one is in need of help is absolutely thrilling. Good, he loses a lot while fighting his grandfather and it broke my heart that one of the most wonderful characters of this series had to die, but on the other hand, it made sense. If the loss of a beloved friend or figure can make sense ever.
The author has again brought some very diverse figures together. The evil in Orion, the strong will in some other kids to change their world and the strength they all show is amazing. And very impressive. It fits together so perfectly and gives the story itself a wonderful warmth and power.
It was clear from the beginning of this series, where the last book would end. But to read it, to see how things had to develop to get there and how Simon and his friends had to suffer and fight to survive and win this “war” was one incredible ride. I enjoyed each of the books very much and with this last one I am actually sad that there isn´t more of this series to come. Sure, the story is told with this last book in the perfect way and any addition would be one too much, but still. The feeling is there …
Happy reading
*This book “Animox Der Flug Des Adlers” was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language.
Aimée Carter
Aimée Carter is the author of Simon Thorn along with two YA series The Blackcoat Rebellion and The Goddess Test, of which The Goddess Inheritance was a 2013 Cybils nominee. She started writing fan-fiction at eleven, began her first original story four years later, and hasn´t stopped writing since. Besides writing and reading, she enjoys seeing movies, playing with her puppies, and wrestling with the puzzles in the paper each morning. She lives in Novi, Michigan.
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