A beautiful story about Feyre and her life after a bloody and cruel war. But in this book, she has to face a different kind of war. Her sister Nesta is giving her a very hard time, and I am still wondering why that is. Is Nesta envious about the life and love her younger sister is having? About her ability to cope with what life has given her? That Feyre was and still is able to change things, to look ahead? Many questions I have in my mind and hopefully, some of them, or all, will be answered in the next part of this gorgeous series.
A Court Of Frost And Starlight*
by Sarah J. MaasA Court Of Thorns And Roses Series #3.1
Publisher Bloomsbury on May 1, 2018
Genre Fantasy
Pages 229
Format Hardcover
Source Purchased
The Winter Solstice. In a week. I was still new enough to being High Lady that I had no idea what my formal role was to be. If we´d have a High Priestess do some odious ceremony, as Ianthe had done the year before – A year. Gods, nearly a year since Rhys had called in his bargain, desperate to get me away from the poison of the Spring Court, to save me from my despair. Had he been only a minute later, the Mother knew what would have happened. Where I´d now be. Snow swirled and eddied in the garden, catching in the brown fibers of the burlap covering the shrubs. My mate – who had worked so hard and so selflessly, all without hope that I would ever be with him. We had both fought for that love, bled for it. Rhys had died for it.
Feyre is living an almost happy life. The war is over, Rhys and her family are alive and well and she can do all the things she needs to do to get accustomed to her new role as High Lady. And her life could be perfect if there wouldn´t be Nesta. Her elder sister is still struggling with her new abilities and the fact, that she is no human anymore. And the way how she shows her rage is only hard to bear for Feyre. Until one day, she´s had enough and decides for her how things will continue. A decision Nesta is shocked to hear.
It was one wonderful journey to watch how Feyre and the others were enjoying life in peace. Or at least, the way they were able to live after all the blood and cruel things they had to endure. The snow, the cold winter, the way how Feyre literally started to bloom, it was great to see. But on the other hand, I could have smacked Nesta against a wall. What in God´s name is her problem? What has she seen while she was forced to step into that cauldron and got changed from human to Fae? I have so many questions about her in my head and do hope that the author is answering them in the next book.
It seems that Feyre is becoming more and more a great High Lady. She is still the same woman, meaning that she has kept her principles, that she is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her loved ones and keep them safe. And she is still trying to include Nesta into her new life and family. There were many scenes where I was wondering how she can just watch and let Nesta live the way Nesta wants to live. And I admired Feyre for her behavior towards her eldest sister. Not sure if I would have been able to keep a calm mind.
I am glad that I finally got to read this book. It was like a relief with no war, or at least not the kind of war we had to watch in the previous book. This one is a white, winter tale with peace and a happy life. As peaceful and happy as possible, considering Nesta and her rage she is carrying deep inside her. If you are a fan of this series, this book is kind of a must-read for you.
Happy reading

*I read the German new release Das Reich Der Sieben Höfe-Frost und Mondlicht published by dtv on March 22, 2019
Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas grew up in Manhattan and already with the first design to Throne of Glass she caused sensation. With sixteen she published “Queen of Glass” (the title back then) in an online forum for authors and initiated with that one of the earliest online phenomena worldwide. She currently lives with her husband and dog in Pennsylvania.
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