Good, the cover of the German edition was not really mine. I am no fan of sharks, but on the other hand, I didn´t have to see that very often with my nose stuck in the book. And it does not harm the fact that the story was a pure reading pleasure and literally an overnight read. Again, the author has managed it to show a world where not everything is as it seems and where rules are to obey.

Simon Thorn And The Shark´s Cave
by Aimée Carter
Simon Thorn Series #3
Publisher Bloomsbury USA Childrens on February 6, 2018
Genre Fantasy
Pages 288
Format Hardcover
Source Library 

Simon Thorn has only recently discovered that he´s an Animalgam, a member of a secret race of people who can shift into animals and found a home where he truly belongs. But not everything is as good as it seems. Simon´s evil grandfather, Orion, is bent on taking over the entire animal kingdom, and to do so, he´ll need to gather the pieces of a terrible weapon – one that could shred the very foundations of the Animalgam´s world … unless Simon can gather the pieces first. So, when Simon´s dolphin Animalgam friend Jam is summoned home to the underwater kingdom´s headquarters, Avalon, Simon sees it as an opportunity to secure another piece. But as soon as he and his friends arrive in Avalon, their search is complicated by Jam´s strict family – and a potential traitor. Can they locate the piece before it falls into Orion´s hands and puts the entire underwater kingdom at risk?
When Simon finds out, that his friend Jam has to go home to Avalon during their Christmas vacation, he is absolutely thrilled. That means that he has a wonderful opportunity to find the next pieces he needs to put back together one of the dangerous weapons that could destroy everything he knows.

It turns out, that the entire Animalgam society has a picture of Jam´s home that is not really the case. No days at the beach playing or just swimming and enjoying the sun. This time the setting is underwater. And with that, Simon faces some unexpected difficulties. Not only the rules are very strict, but Simon and his friends are under permanent observation. No sneaking around, no searching for unexpected treasures or other things. 

The author shows all the problems and challenges Simon and his friends have to face and to struggle within a very sensitive way. The plot is diverse, full of action and unexpected twists and turns.

Simon´s world is upside down. He has to find the next piece, he does not understand his mother´s reason why she did what she did and on top of it, he has to find something in a world he does not know. 

He is a boy with a big heart, who knows what is right and what is not right and how to get things done. Sure, his plans aren´t always good ones, but sitting at home or in his room and doing nothing while others do the dirty work, is not his thing. And that often means trouble. 

What a great continuation of the other two books in this series. With some new figures and the main character who shows that he´s learned his lessons. It was great to watch how Simon´s development has made progress and how he is treating his friends and family. What he does to keep them safe.

Happy reading

Deutsche Rezension

Aimée Carter zeigt hier eine Unterwasserwelt, die nichts von der Farbenpracht und Fischreichtum hat, den man aus anderen Geschichten so kennt. Die Haie herrschen mit militärischer Strenge und Korrektheit. Da wird erst verhaftet und eingesperrt und dann Fragen gestellt.

Simon und seine Freunde müssen mit allem was sie haben kämpfen, um nicht unter die strengen Räder von Jams Vater zu gelangen und um zu finden, was sie suchen. Dass sie klug und gewitzt sind, ist ein zusätzliches Plus, denn diesmal gilt es, noch schlauer und vorausschauender zu sein, als bisher.

Ich mag die Figur des Simon einfach. Der hat das Herz am rechten Fleck, kämpft für die Schwächeren und will um jeden Preis verhindern, dass seiner restlichen Familie und seinen Freunden etwas geschieht. Dass das im Umkehrschluss dann heißt, dass er allein die Dinge angeht, ist eine kleine Schwäche von ihm. Aber eine Liebenswerte.

In diesem Roman kann Simon auf tolle Art zeigen, dass er sich in mehr als nur ein Tier verwandeln kann. Eine große Hilfe bei all den gefährlichen und abenteuerlichen Dingen, die er so im Handlungsverlauf erlebt.

Das war wieder schöne Unterhaltung für Jung und Alt. Ich würde sagen, mit der Figur des Simon Thorn und seinen Abenteuern ist der Autorin nicht nur eine wunderschöne Serie gelungen, sondern auch viel Lehrreiches für Kinder, das auf spielerische Art nahegebracht wird. Kopfkino mal anders.

Aimée Carter
Aimée Carter ©private

Aimée Carter is the author of Simon Thorn along with two YA series The Blackcoat Rebellion and The Goddess Test, of which The Goddess Inheritance was a 2013 Cybils nominee. She started writing fanfiction at eleven, began her first original story four years later, and hasn´t stopped writing since. Besides writing and reading, she enjoys seeing movies, playing with her puppies, and wrestling with the puzzles in the paper each morning. She lives in Novi, Michigan. 



  1. The series sounds like a really good one! Glad you enjoyed it. Great review!

    1. Thank you. This series was a total surprise for me. But worth every minute.


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