This was my first novel written by the author. And every minute worth I´ve spent reading it. And after a little while, I could see why the dust jacket shows a dragonfly. Absolutely thought through. If you love novels about Ireland and how people feel and think about the mythological side of this part of the world, then this is your book. And in combination with some pretty hilarious dialogues and scenes, you will have some great reading time.
Blackwood-Briefe An Mich*
by Britta SabbagPublisher Fischer FJB on March 27, 2019
Genre Novel
Pages 442
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher
Would one want to read a letter from his future self? That´s not a question for Gesine. Of course, she would. Because after the death of her mother she has to move alone to a relative in Ireland. In the small, sleepy village of Blackwood, she has no one to talk to about her grief. Nor about Arian Mary, the outrageously handsome son of the local butter dynasty. In addition, the villagers make her crazy with stories about all sorts of supernatural stuff. All nonsense thinks Gesine. Until she finds in a mysterious old desk a letter from her future self, which confuses her world … (personally translated blurb by ©Vi at Inkvotary).
Gesine is as sad and unhappy as a teenager, who just lost his mother, can be. And with all the myth´s her aunt is having in her house, she doesn´t know if she will last there long. The truth seems nothing people want to hear and at school, she´s not only a total stranger but no matter what she does or says, she also seems to be the looser. Or how is she supposed to understand it, that she obviously isn´t able to make friends, but everyone knows her biggest secret?
I like the sensitive and soft writing style Britta Sabbag has. She shows you the beauty of Ireland, the sense of mythology that seems for everyone but the Irish weird and that the love and care of a family is everything. I was laughing out loud when I´ve read the scene, where Gesine sits in Mimi´s little shop and enjoys a biscuit while hearing how much butter it contains. Her face must have been the hit.
Britta Sabbag has lots of great scenes, dialogues, and hilarious stuff in this novel and that is what makes the charm of the story. Good, towards the end, I had one shocking moment and thought how dare you, author! *smile* Only to discover a page later that it was only for the wellbeing of the story. Phew!
I am in love with Gesine. She is mourning, starts a new life in a place she barely knows and though she speaks English, the Irish dialect is a bit of a problem at first – which causes some hilarious scenes. It takes her a while to get used to Irish life but in the end, she knows what to do and how. Well done girl.
Arian is quite the opposite. Rich, handsome, and with a secret, his girlfriend dies to get to know. He is there when Gesine has her moments. And starts to understand that life is powerful and gives you sometimes the best you can have.
A beautiful novel about love, Irish mythology, and how you can find your own way in life if you only believe in yourself. Yes, this book contains it all. A great prince, the breathtaking but heartless beauty and a heroine who stumbles from one embarrassing situation to the next and still conquers everyone´s heart by storm. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
*This book was, at the time this review was published, only available in the German language. The Title was kindly provided to me by Fischer FJB in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.
Britta Sabbag
When Britta Sabbag came blowing the idea of “Blackwood” across the North Sea, she knew immediately that this story was something special. She followed her idea over the sea to Ireland, where she was completely enchanted by the magic of the land and its inhabitants. The bestselling author has already written successfully for children and adults and now unites these talents in one big and rousing all-age novel. She lives with her husband and her little son near Bonn, Germany.
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