I still don´t know what made me want this. The cover isn´t my choice, and the critics I´ve heard from others were not very thrilling either. But I like to find out for myself if a book is good and meets my taste. Well … I liked the author duo´s These Broken Stars books (Starbound trilogy), at least the first one. And with that in mind I thought, why not try this and see myself why others weren´t so happy with it. Good, it wasn´t a bad read, but it couldn´t thrill me too. 

Undying-Das Vermächtnis*
by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner
Unearthed Series #1
Translation Karin Will
Original Title Unearthed
Publisher Fischer Sauerländer on July 25, 2018
Genre Children 14+
Pages 488
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher

On Earth, Jules and Amelia would have hated each other: he was a spoiled Oxford genius, she a plunder from the underworld of Chicago. Two like fire and water – but when they meet on the planet Gaia, it is immediately clear that they will need each other. A pragmatic community of purpose for a breakneck mission, nothing more. Or is there more than that? (personal translation by ©Vi at Inkvotary)
Amelia and Jules are two very different teenagers. They meet under very difficult circumstances and make a decision, that changes everything. And while Jules wants to explore the new things they hopefully find in the other temple, Amelia wants nothing more than find something she can take and get money for it. Because her biggest wish is to rescue her sister.

Both authors haven´t changed their style, and yet, this novel is different from their other books. So-la-la different. Sure, the story is nice to read, and it was nice to see how two teenagers are trying to solve some riddles to survive. But else? I wasn´t sure what to think of it until I got to the end. There was finally some action, some tension and a hint of adventure to feel that made me longing for more. If the entire novel would have been like the end, this would have been one huge hit for me.

Teenagers are a special species, that´s for sure. Amelia and Jules are no different. Except for the fact that they live in a dying world. But while Amelia has to fight for everything, Jules comes from a rich environment. To be honest, I couldn´t connect with both. Not Amelia, and not Jules. It was as if I was watching two strangers who speak an unknown language. And I can´t understand them. Sure, it made perfect sense to me, that Amelia had to be the tough, strong and merciless young woman she is, to get what she wants to be able to free her sister, but other than that? Hopefully, we will see more development here in the next book. 

Not a bad read, no. And for other readers, who like the soft and for-a-very-long-time-not-much-happening in a novel, this might be a perfect read. For me, it wasn´t. I had my moments with it, and the last few pages were a great read and very promising to read the next book. But that isn´t enough in my eyes, to say a novel has earned a higher rating. Sad, because I like the author duo´s books usually.

Happy reading

*This book was kindly provided to me by Fischer Sauerländer in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Thank you. Therefore, the cover of the German edition is shown first in this review.

*This book was published Unearthed by Disney Hyperion on January 9, 2018 

Amie Kaufman
Amie Kaufman ©private

Amie Kaufman grew up just one block from her local library and took full advantage of that fact. She spent her childhood summers re-creating with her sister their favorite books by camping in the backyard, mapping their neighborhood, climbing trees and kissing the Blarney stone six times, thoroughly cementing her gift of the gab. She graduated with honors degrees in history, literature and law, and a master´s degree in conflict resolution. Today she´s a full-time writer and lives with her husband and her rescue dog in Melbourne, Australia. 

Meagan Spooner
Meagan Spooner ©private

Meagan Spooner, born in Washington, D.C. is the New York Times bestselling author of the award-winning Starbound trilogy and the Skylark trilogy. She has traveled all over the world to places like Egypt, Greece, Antarctica, the Galapagos, Chile, the Arctic Circle, and Australia. After graduating with a degree in playwriting from Hamilton College in New York, she spent several years off and on traveling between D.C. and Melbourne, Australia, to write. In her spare time, she plays guitar, video games, plays with her cat and reads. 


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