This is my first Top Ten Tuesday I am doing here at Inkvotary. I´ve done a few of its German version a few years ago, but never the English variety of it. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl and came back to my attention while reading a blog post at another book bloggers blog.
I am not sure if I can participate every week, but whenever there is a topic that catches my interest, I will write my share of it.
The question this time is all about Serie´s I´ve Given Up on / Don´t Plan to Finish or Serie´s I´d like to Finish Someday.
I chose the latter, since I have some books already at home but so far not the time to read them. That the series´ I´ve chosen are mostly Fantasy novels, is by accident, not purpose.
Serie`s I´d Like To Finish Someday
I´ve started Throne of Glass some years ago when it became available in Germany for the first time. I was hooked by the beautiful cover and the novel itself was a fantastic read. Celaena is one of a kind and a figure, I hadn´t seen before.

Two extra ToG books. One might become a series of its own.
Another Series I´d like to finish is A Court of Thorns and Roses. The first book I´ve started first by listening to the audiobook but quickly changed to the printed edition. I kept listening to it while running, though. The world of this series is different from the authors´ Throne Of Glass series and still, you can see that it is the style of Sarah J. Maas.
A novella to the series.
The Beautiful Series by Christina Lauren is one, I am crazy about. The first book, Beautiful Bastard is one, that had its impact on me. No matter how sexy, erotic, salacious, alluring, bold or animalistic the other men in this series were, for me, Bennett Ryan is simply the best. He is literally sex on two legs!
The German edition of Julie Kagawa´s Talon Saga is so gorgeous, I couldn´t resist when I saw the cover of the first book on the publisher´s website. The world, the author created with Dragons among humankind is something that attracted me right from the start. And one day, I hopefully am able to finish those books.
German editions of the Talon Saga
US edition of the Talon Saga
The Green Mountain Series by Marie Force is one I want to finish too. Though I am not sure if that is a good decision. That series started with some fantastically written novels, but then somehow the author changed something and the fun, wit, humor and hilarious dialogues weren´t the same anymore. But I am not giving up on this series. Guess, I am a hopeless case here.
Though I am not really sure if the last three books on this list are really from the original Green Mountain Series. But in Germany, they are published as that, at least including book 7, so I am listing them anyways. Sometimes books aren´t published in Germany in the right order or correct series. Got something to do with legal stuff.
Good, I guess that´s it for now. Not a Top Ten, but while I was writing this post, I noticed that I am not reading that many series I need to catch up or am dropping for good. Most of them I have on my shelves are done, with no further books coming out. And the few I have not read entirely, are shown above.
I would love to hear from you if you have read any of those series or books yourself or plan to. Until then …
Happy reading
I've read all the books in the Throne of Glass series (the ones that are released at least) and I love the series so much! I have read the first book of ACOTAR and thought it was alright. A lot of people say that ACOTAR is MUCH better than ToG. I haven't read the Talon series by Julie Kagawa but I'm reading The Iron Fey series from her. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteKeep on Reading
I´ve read from the ToG series the first three books and looking forward to continue reading them. I agree, ACOTAR was a good book. Though I am not sure if it is better than ToG. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
DeleteI hope you enjoy the Throne of Glass series!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/26/top-ten-tuesday-165/
I hope that too *smile* Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteIch möchte Throne of Glass auch lesen. I'm just waiting for them to become available at the library. I finally got to #2 on the waiting list, so I'm getting close!
ReplyDeleteDie Talon Saga auf Deutsch sind sehr schön.
Thank you for your comment and for stopping by.