Last November I´ve got nominated by Eram @Literary Tea With ER for The Mystery Blogger Award. Some weeks before that, we met over on Twitter, and for some unknown reasons, Eram decided to nominate me. Thank you Eram for thinking of me, and sorry for the long wait. But I guess it isn´t too bad for you since you are taking time out from blogging due to your exams. Wish you all the best for them. And no, I don´t have an explanation of why it took me so long to write my post about this award.
Though I have to admit that I am thinking about stopping that. It is time-consuming, and I´ll never manage to do them right after I´ve got the nomination.
The Rules
- Put the award logo/image on your blog.
- List the rules.
- Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well (Okoto Enigma).
- Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
- You have to nominate 10-20 people.
- Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
- Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
- Share a link to your best post(s).
3 Facts About Me
- I am a perfectionist.
- Not very disciplined when it comes to blogging ahead.
- Another passion of mine is music.
Eram´s Five Questions
1. Name a book that has influenced or affected you in some way.Um, I have to name two series here. Harry Potter series and Outlander.
2. If a person claims to be a bookworm, what book would you most expect him/her to have read?
Either the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling or the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon
3. Bookshops or libraries?
Both. Though the latter is much cheaper for me *smile*
4. Which book would you pass on to your grandchild? Why?
The Harry Potter series. This series is an all-age one, though I wouldn´t let a five-year-old alone with them. But above that, why not. And this series is great if you want to read it to a child right before bedtime or while sitting on the couch and enjoy some quality time with the youngsters.
5. What song is currently stuck in your head?
My Best Post
Oh boy, how am I supposed to chose one from all those I´ve written? And after what criteria? After the fact which post got the most clicks? Or the ones who´ve got the most comments? I suggest you go to the menu on the blog´s homepage and decide for yourself in what post you are interested the most. I don´t mind if you leave me a comment there then *smile*
My 5 Questions
1. Print edition or eBook?2. Do you have a reading nook?
3. Your favorite reading spot.
4. Eating while reading or no food at all while diving into another world?
5. A new release you are looking forward to getting in 2018
I Nominate
Isa @Mikku chan
Anna @Life of Anna
Pat @Fiktive Welten
Trish @Between My Lines
Brandee @Bookworm Brandee
Sim @Flipping Through The Pages
Anna @Herding Cats & Burning Soup
Ardis @Pondering The Prose
Alyssa @The Eater Of Books
Nora @Papertea and Bookflowers
No obligations!
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope it wasn´t as boring as I fear I am when it comes to me in person.
Happy reading
Hi Vi! We have perfectionism and a lack of discipline in blogging ahead in common. And can I just say that I love that HP and Outlander answer most of your questions! :) I appreciate you nominating me and I will try to get a post done. But it may take awhile as I'm very busy with my kids' activities right now. :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Brandee, no need to rush. It took me several months to get my post written :-) I am telling myself every day to do better and be less perfect with some things - but so far not very successful *smile* Thanks for stopping by.