This challenge is all about getting some posts done and scheduled in advance, about getting a bit of a buffer for your blog and yourself, ´cause sometimes blogging can become a bit overwhelming and stressful. So having some posts already done can give you the space you probably need for things that come up out of the blue. And with the support of other bloggers, it promises some fun along the way.

I am very late with my signing up for this, but nonetheless, I want to see if I can do this time a bit better. Last time this challenge wasn´t much of a hit for me, though it was fun participating. But I still have the hope that I will become better in blogging ahead without losing the flexibility to blog whatever I want whenever I want it.

The challenge is hosted by Anna over at Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

I have no clue how this challenge will turn out for me, or if I will reach my goal of 14 – but I guess it´s worth a try.


The challenge starts on March 24 & ends on April 7


The goal is to schedule an additional 14 posts during the challenge. On Day 1 of the challenge look at your number of scheduled posts. Add 14 to that. That is the number of posts you should have finished at the end of this challenge.

What Counts

Any type of post counts! It just has to be a completed post. The only stipulation is it must go live AFTER the challenge ends in order to count.

Happy writing



  1. Good luck with the challenge! I'm taking part too and I have no idea how I'll reach the 14 posts target but figure any number 'banked' is better than none! :)

    1. Hihi, same here! But that we try to blog ahead is what counts, right? Thanks for stopping by.

  2. This is my first time with the Blog Ahead challenge. I'm really looking forward to all of those pre-scheduled posts. Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you too. And thanks for stopping by.


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