With the Weekly Book Wrap-Up, I give you a bit of an insight into all the new books that have arrived at my place. No matter if I won a giveaway, got approved for a reviewer´s copy, an ARC, or just bought one myself. Everything that I add to my shelves, in what way ever and read during the past week or am still reading, I will write about it. And maybe I tell you a bit about the upcoming things on Inkvotary, that is if I don´t forget it and have something to share with you *smile*

I am linking up with Tynga´s Reviews and Caffeinated Book Reviewer and hope you´ll have fun reading it and maybe get the one or the other book inspiration.

Stacking The Shelves #50

Thanks to a price drop for English hardcover books I was able to get some books I either only had a German edition or an audiobook. Besides them, I am still waiting for some others to arrive at my place. A few will be sent over from Canada, so it takes them a few weeks to get here. Looking forward to those arrivals. My first time that I bought books from that seller, so I am very curious about how everything will be.

Bought Books

 Glittering Court      Truthwitch
(click on the cover and you can read my reviews)

Sunday Post #7

I am not happy with the way how my daily life looks at the moment. Making plans is almost impossible and though I found the style I want for my posts it is very time-consuming to change everything. Therefore, my reading time is limited, and I feel that I am not happy with that. And right in time for the weekend where I would´ve had time to work on those changes, I got sick and ended up in bed – sleeping most of the time. Well, well …

But I can say that I made some progress on my eating issues. I want to change during 2018 some of the bad habits I have in that field and it seems that I am successful. Let´s see how this will keep going over the year *smile*

I am reading

Posts up on the blog
Follow Friday #32 Your First (Audio) Book 2018
Waiting On Wednesday #58 Auf Ewig Mein
Soldier by Julie Kagawa

Happy reading



  1. Hope you're feeling better. I've been curious about Dennard's series so it was nice to see your thoughts on Truthwitch. I do kinda want to read them at some point but they haven't been a7 huge priority. Still, one of these days maybe...

    1. Yep, I know what you´re talking about *smile* Same here. I have books on my wishlist where I heard so many great things about, but time is the actual problem. Guess I need a second head to read all those fascinating books ... Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I hope you can make that progress :) I have also been busy. Planning is good. But sometimes it just gets out of hand...

    1. Me and planning *sigh* Well, well. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Good luck with the changes in your eating issues, it feels so good to take control over them. I find it's worth all the effort as I'm so much healthier than I used to be. Hope your new books arrive safely :)

    1. That´s the plan: getting healthier and feeling it. I already made some progress over the past year and am very confident that I can continue with it. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Der Goldene Hof steht noch in meiner Lesepipeline.
    Sieht schon toll aus. Hoffentlich empfinde ich den Inhalt ebenso. ;o)

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Ja, ich hab mir vor einiger Zeit auch überlegt, ob ich mir da die Deutsche Edition hole, dann aber doch das Original bestellt. War günstiger *g* Und da ich mir hier schon das HB reingezogen hatte, dachte ich mir, das HC Orig. langt auch. Vielleicht kommt die Übersetzung auch irgendwann ins Haus. Danke für deinen Besuch.

      Beste Grüße


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