This year I got my Best Books-post done earlier than last year. It was no question of time or energy, it was more a question whether the last book I´ve read would be one that needed to find a place on this list or not. It has been a really great year in reading books and I am already looking forward to the new books that the one or the other author will have coming out in 2018. My Best Books of 2017 contains new releases, older books, some I read in English, some in German. The list shows them in random order which I wrote down as they came into my mind. Since I´ve read so many great books this year, I narrowed them down to ten titles. Among them some authors who were totally new to me like Erin Watt, Sarina Bowen, Mary E. Pearson or Raphael Montes.
Abbie Roads (Saving Mercy) writes Dark Contemporary Romance with a touch of Mystic in it. With three books published, she isn´t a debut author anymore, but if you still haven´t heard of her or read anything by her (which would make me wonder) I really suggest her books to you. Especially when you are a fan of the genre she writes in.
When I saw in every book forum popping up the Erin Watt books, I wasn´t very intrigued at first. The cover reminded me too much of a cheesy romance novel and even the summary couldn´t change that. It needed a break in my daily life and a trip to my local library, to make me read them. And so, the first didn´t make it onto my list, after starting the second book of that series, I was totally hooked.
I came across the Sarina Bowen novel Bittersweet while participating in a reading challenge. The entire group had so much fun and this novel was one of the most amusing reads I´ve had in 2017.
Kristina Ohlsson is another new-to-me-author I discovered this year. As far as I know, her book is currently available in Swedish and English.
It always amazes me, what a difference the style of a cover can make. I literally jumped on the dark and very mysterious looking cover (at least that’s how I see it) of Perfect Days when the German edition was visible for the first time on the German publisher´s website. It looks totally different from its US edition. Which is rather girly I might add.
But no matter which of those books you will read, each of the above named is worth your time though I have to say that the Kathrin Lange book “Ohne Ausweg” is currently only available in the German language.
From all the books I´ve read in 2017, those were the ones who stood out and had a deeper impact on me as the others.
Happy reading
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