I found this challenge by accident while scrolling through the internet. Somehow, I landed on Austine´s blog NovelKnight and became aware of it.

This reading challenge is focused on knocking off titles that have been on your TBR for a while, or even ones that get pushed aside for new releases. While we LOVE new releases, we also want to show some of those older titles love too.

YOU set your own reading goal. YOU pick the books. YOU read at your own pace.

Whether you´re a casual reader looking to work on your TBR list with a bunch of people, or a competitive reader seeking a bit of extra motivation this year, Beat the Backlist is for you.

It sounds fun, my TBR is HUGE and I hope that I will be able to accustom myself to post my reviews also on Amazon since it means for this challenge to gain points for the team I will be on. Not to mention that authors and publishers alike will benefit one way or the other from every review that is put on that platform to their product.

This will be the first time that I am doing Beat the Backlist. Last year I was close to sign-up for it, but for some reason, I hesitated and ended up not doing the challenge at all. I want to change that now and hope that I will reach my goal.

My Goal
My goal for this challenge is to read at least 4 books of my TBR. I know, that doesn´t sound very much, but due to some personal changes in my reading life, I am not sure how the next year will turn out for me. So, I rather keep things low here and get surprised with more than the other way around.

I hate it when I fail at something. Yup, we are talking about reading books, having fun and do a challenge along the way. And all of this is meant to happen in a way that is enjoyable, pleasant and relaxing.

There was the suggestion, that I name some of the books I want to read for this challenge in 2018. Well, that is easier said than done, since I have no clue in what mood I will be in in a month or two from now and therefore it is rather difficult for me to say what I will read. It can be that I will go and read all the books I have in the Love-Women-Erotica genre, or from Sarah J. Maas in the Fantasy genre. Or only some thrillers. I do not know at this point and I don´t want to end up having the feeling that I NEED to read this or that genre/book only to fulfill my participation in the Beat the Backlist challenge.

But you can be assured, that I WILL read some of my backlist books, due to the above-named reasons.

The challenge will run from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018. You have an entire year to complete your goal!

Books must be released prior to 2018 to count for this challenge. This isn´t the challenge for new releases. For them, I do another challenge. You can read my sign-up post for it very soon.

It is highly appreciated that you post your updates throughout the year on your social media platform of choice using the hashtag #BeatTheBackList! I am posting all my reviews, no matter if they are old books or new releases, over at my Twitter account anyways, so no problem here. There is also the official (at)BeatTheBacklist account on Twitter and you can use the tag in your tweets.

Challenge Overviews

How does Beat the Backlist work?
  • Post your goal for this challenge somewhere on the internet (blog post, Goodreads shelf, Twitter thread, etc.)
  • Read books and earn points for your team and yourself!
  • Win prizes and knock those books off your TBR!

Four Teams
This challenge has four teams. Those teams will be competing against the other teams to see who can get the most points by the end of each month. Each month one person will be drawn as a winner from the team with the most points and receive a book of their choice. Open internationally.

I am on Team Story Sorcerers.

If you have any further questions, check the FAQ section over at NovelKnight. Just click on Beat The Backlist 2018 and you will be led straight to the post where you will also find (if you scroll a bit down) the Sign-up-form for this challenge, as well as more challenge details.

Happy reading



  1. Good luck with this challenge, Vi! I'm doing it, too, I'm team Book Bards!

    1. Thank you, Angela. And good luck to you, too.

  2. I hate failing at things too Vi. Good luck with the challenge, I love your low key approach to it. And the team setup is fun.

    1. Hi Trish, thank you. Yes, I thought I keep things low. Feels better for me. And if I see that things go well I can always extend my goal *smile* Thanks for stopping by.


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