This is the prequel series to the Sprite Sister Series in which the siblings defend Cantrip-Towers with their magical powers from harm. How It All Began shows what happens to Flame and how she deals with her awakening power to control fire. Of course, I wanted to know how the story of the Cantrip-sisters began. I read all the books of the original Sprite Sisters Series and yes, those books are for grown-ups as charming and nice to read as they are for children. And the covers of the German editions do look really fantastic and I was fascinated the moment I discovered them at my library.
The Sprite Sisters-Flame And The Power Of Fire*
by Sheridan WinnThe Sprite Sisters: How It All Began Series #1
Translation Katrin Weingran
Publisher Fischer KJB on April 27, 2017
Genre Children 8+
Pages 217
Format Hardcover
Source Publisher
When Flame wakes up on her ninth birthday, she immediately senses: Something is different! Her fingers are tingling, and all-day funny things happen to her. Soon Flame becomes clear: She can conjure! She can light flames with her bare hands as she concentrates. But that is a secret that must be strictly guarded! It´s not that easy if you have three curious little sisters who follow Flame at every step (personal translation by the reviewer).
On her ninth birthday Flame discovers that her fingers are tingling and sometimes they even feel hot. And if that wouldn´t be enough, she can light up the candles on her birthday cake as easy as she is breathing. But why? Thank God, her grandmother is there and talks to her about this new secret in her life. Because one thing is for sure: Her power has to stay a secret.
An invisible narrator tells in a light and soft way the story about Flame and how she starts to discover her magical power. How she, the one who always wants to tell the truth, has no to hide her power from her siblings and how hard that is for her.
Getting your powers is a life-changing thing and not easy if you can only speak with your grandmother about it. Sheridan Winn writes sensitive, and you can feel the love she feels for the place she grew up and that is kind of setting for Cantrip-Towers.
Four sisters, Flame, Marina, Flora and Sky. Each of them will get another power and together they have to protect their home from harm and the outer world. And each of them is totally different in character and how they see life.
To keep things hidden from others was never something Flame wanted. Being open with her family, the people she loves, her friends or others was always her main priority. Why lie when it only makes things worse? And being patient is for others but not her. So, when she has to learn that she can´t speak to the rest of her family, except her grandmother, about her growing powers, and that she can´t control the fire right away, she is not really happy. But she has no choice but to be patient and to practice whenever she can to get in control.
A nice story about the beginning of the magical powers the Cantrip-sisters have. Charming, beautiful and with the appearance of the lovely grandmother, I´ve missed for a long time.
Happy reading
*I read the German edition new release. At the time this review was written this book was only available in the German language. The title in this review as well as the blurb is a personal translation by the reviewer and doesn´t mean that the English edition will have the same title or contain the same blurb.
Sheridan Winn
Sheridan Winn lives in Norwich, England. She is a freelance journalist and divides her time between freelance work and book writing. When she was six years old, her family moved to a big, rambling house in the country. Littlewood House became the inspiration for Sprite Towers. She worked for The Times, The Guardian and became 2012 a self-publisher when she bought back the rights for her series The Sprite Sisters. The author has two grown-up children and a grand-daughter. She has a keen interest in the Arts, film and finds walking in the countryside a good way to think up ideas.
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