Launched by Sonja of A Bookshelf Full Of Sunshine, continued by FiktiveWelten with a new logo. The blog action is for lively communication between bloggers, a good network, and should be fun. Duration of the question: Friday to Thursday. Rules. No registration required. This week the FF question is: Do you sometimes have a reading slack or do you consciously take a break from reading? Since I came up with this question, I guess I should say something about it. So keep reading if you´re interested in what I think about this question ...
Okay, this time the Follow Friday is more a Follow Saturday, but right now I have no idea where my head is and the weather is so out of control, that I barely find the time to write posts. Yes, I can put a checkmark on both.
I do have times, where I am not reading a single book – at least none that´s just for entertainment. I still do have a book in my hands though, just no fiction. And yes, it can happen, that I take a break from reading. Not intentionally, but sometimes it seems that my head wants to do other things than reading. Like getting up to date with my favorite series or that I am more outside taking care of something else or running some errands.
And then there is the situation, where I just can´t focus on the book in my hands. Usually, I can read a book, sleep a night over it, write my review the next day, and then go to the next book. But sometimes I find myself staring at a page without really reading the printed word or where I am just not able to realize what the author wrote. Or when I have to read the same sentence over and over again and still don´t know what I am reading - then I simply call it a day and take a few days before I go back to it again.
Sometimes this break goes over one or two days, sometimes the break is longer. But never with remorse.
How about you?
Happy reading
Oh, ich kenne auch solche Momente, wenn der Kopf voller Gedanken ist und ich die Zeilen der Bücher nur mit den Augen Wort für Wort abtaste, ohne sie jedoch wahrzunehmen. Meist merke ich das erst Seiten später, blättere zurück und beginne von vorn. Funktioniert es dann noch immer nicht, weil die Konzentration fehlt oder dergleichen, dann ist es Zeit für eine Lesepause.
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"Erschreckend", was wir zwei so alles gleich sehen *lach*