Same old me, same blog, BUT TOTALLY NEW NAME! And as far as I can see everything went a lot faster than I´ve expected. Well, the technical stuff, not the search for the new name or the creative stuff with all the headers, etc. etc. Gone With The Books becomes Inkvotary. I was thinking about changing my blog name for quite some time now. And I got really excited when I found it after literally spending nights coming up with names I liked and therefore stayed awake because my brain was working and creating them like crazy. And the checking back and forth if the name I liked was actually available, cost me some additional sleep and nerves. Some weeks back I finally found it. Inkvotary was born and I am happy as hell to share the good news now with you all.

And I want to thank some friends for their HUGE help and support. Patricia at FiktiveWelten, Isabella at Mikku-chan and Anna - without you I would´ve probably turned nuts, so THANK YOU, LADIES, for your patience and honest words and thoughts. You kept me sane. Good, now it is official *phew*, Inkvotary is set up, even Facebook accepted the new name, and Twitter was easy to handle too. Instagram is changed as well and I am posting the first blog post as Inkvotary – same old me, same blog. Just a new name *YAY*

Now I can stop thinking about that part of blogging and go back to the fun stuff: reading and reviewing books *laugh* Hope you like what you see.

Happy blogging & reading


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