This is a Friday meme hosted by Patricia of FiktiveWelten. Every week she asks a question that you can answer. Everyone who would like to participate, just answer her question, link to her blog, and write a comment under her post to let the others know that you are participating. The entire rules you can find here.

The last time when Patricia had asked “what our reading highlight” had been in the previous month (I missed that question for January 2017) the response had been such a success that from this month forward it will be a regular one in the Follow Friday meme. It didn´t take me long to know what to answer.

My reading highlight for February is clearly Morning Star by Pierce Brown.

The German title for it was Red Rising-Tag der Entscheidung. I simply LOVE those books. And I can say that this series is one of my all-time favorites. The mixture of Sci-Fi with Dystopia and some Fantasy elements makes it the perfect combination.

There is a power in Pierce Brown´s writing, a strength in his characters and poetry which I haven´t found yet in another book or series; no matter what genre. I am not a Sci-Fi fan, that is for sure, but these books became like a drug to me. The past month I had the time and pleasure to read this third book and was again intrigued and very thrilled.

What was your reading highlight during February?

Happy reading



  1. Hallo Vi,

    über diese Serie habe ich schon allerhand Positives gelesen und hab natürlich auch die Cover vor Augen. Selbst reingeschnuppert habe ich allerdings noch nicht. Neugierig macht dein Beitrag aber allemal und was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden.

    Danke dir für den Tipp! :o)

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Eine meiner Lieblingsserien - solltest du UNBEDINGT lesen :-) Danke fürs vorbeischaun.

  2. Hallo Vi,

    über die Serie hab ich noch nichts gehört - das muss ich definitiv mal ändern!
    Jetzt wird also mal gestöbert und vielleicht wandert die Reihe dann ja auch auf meine Wunschliste ;)

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Hi Bella, sie ist es jedenfalls wert gelesen zu werden! Danke für deinen Besuch.


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