2017 kind of just started and I thought I continue to do this list of upcoming new releases on a monthly basis. Most of the books I am displaying here are books I am looking very much forward to their release day. Some of them I already pre-ordered, others I started a request for and some I already have in my bookshelves since the month of January is by now a few days old. It can be that you will see some titles in my list that are already being published abroad but will hit the German bookstores only by now; or the other way around.

I don´t know which of them I will be really able to read this month or over the year in general - not to mention buying them or getting them as a reviewer´s copy – but I will try to get to know as many as I can.

This time the list is a bit short. That is mostly due to the fact that there aren´t as many books coming out that I am really interested in and the fact, that some I had originally on this list got rescheduled with their actual release date because of some reasons I am not familiar with.

Okay, now enough of the talking. My January list:

English New Releases

Reading the first book wasn´t as much fun as I had hoped, but nonetheless, I want to see how the story continues and maybe this one will be better.

I´ve watched the movies of her Divergent series with great pleasure and when I saw this cover I knew that now is the time to finally read her books and to get to know her writing style. I am really curious about how her style will be.

German New Releases

In Germany, this book is titled "Eis wie Feuer". I already own the original one but had no time yet to read it.

This is actually the third book in Marie Force´s Green Mountain Series and I haven´t had the pleasure to read the second book. But I hope that´ll change soon. The German title is: "Mein Herz gehört Dir".

I haven´t read the first book yet, though I own it already, but nonetheless, this will come out as new release in Germany with the title: "Angelfall - Tage der Dunkelheit"

Happy reading


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