The past month has been one hell of a crazy one. Emotionally and otherwise; not only that the Advent season has begun and I haven´t decorated one single Christmas item so far (everyone except me seems to be in the crazy mode already – is something wrong with me?), I also started realizing that I am running my own blog for nearly a year now. In December will be the first blog birthday and I have no clue how and if I will celebrate that day.
I was not very busy with reading, though it felt like it but with only seven books read the past weeks, I don´t feel like I´ve achieved much. I had other months in which I´ve read way more. On the other hand, I achieved my second goal of having read and posted 45 newly released books for the 2016 New Release Challenge. My original goal was to reach the fifteen and become a New Release Newbie. But after I´ve reached that very early, I decided to go for the next possible goal and try to achieve the New Release Veteran. And a short time ago I reached that, too *YAY*.
During writing this wrap up I discovered that I ALREADY HAVE POSTED more than forty-seven (!) reviews in the new releases section for that challenge so I can call myself now a New Release Enthusiast *happy dance* Okay, I have to admit, that I read more than those 48 new releases so far, but I can only count those for the challenge, that I have posted a review either on Goodreads or here on my blog. Well, the year´s not over yet, so I probably will go beyond that number too.
Can´t wait to get the 2017 New Release Challenge started. And there will be one, that´s for sure. But more information about that I will post in my next Sign Up Post. So stay with me *laugh*
During November, on the 26th to be exact, I attended for the first time ever the Literary Breakfast my town library is doing every year.
It was a nice thing to have breakfast in a room where usually bridal pair getting married in a civil wedding ceremony. That happens right under two busts, showing a former king and queen of Baden Württemberg (as far as I know and understood) and for this event, the new releases were displayed on a table right underneath and decorated with some beautiful candles. I was so astonished that I forgot to take a picture of that.
But I can show you how the table looked like where I had a fantastic breakfast with smoked salmon, bacon, jam, and various other delicious things. Coffee, tea, juice, and water were also served.
I was actually very surprised to discover that I was among the youngest who participated. The rest was way over 50 and to be one of the younger ones there was a strange feeling *smile*…
And I achieved my set goal of 100 read books in the Reading Challenge Goodreads does every year. I wanted to read 100 and have managed so far to read 102. Every read book that goes now as additional to that will be a bonus *smile*
Best wishes

It's always good to achieve some book goals! I've found my reading has improved since I started setting goals as to which books I was going to read each month. I feel more motivated somehow!
ReplyDeleteThat is a way to do the reading too. I set a goal, yes, but I don´t plan what to read in which month :-) Picking a book depends on the mood I am in. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteThe breakfast event looks stellar. I wish someone would do something similar here. Yay on reaching your Giidreads goal! I still have six books to go, but I think I can do it. :)
ReplyDeleteOf course you can do it! Why not? Yes, our library ladies do a lot of fantastic things - I LOVE them! :-) Thanks for stopping by.