OMG, this novel was such a great read! This was the very first time, that I had the pleasure to read a novel by the author, and it wasn´t the last time, that´s for sure. Until a few months ago I didn´t even know that this author exists. Turns out it was a good pick and a very pleasant read. I read the summary of this novel - and some wonderful memories of Vermont came up.
All You Need Is Love*
by Marie ForceGreen Mountain Series #1
Publisher Berkley on February 14, 2014
Genre Novel
Pages 368
Format Paperback
Source Publisher
The family-run Green Mountain Country Store is cherished by locals as a reminder of simpler times. The Abbott children are determined to keep it that way – but their father has different plans … When Cameron Murphy heads to Vermont to build a website for a new client, she imagines a more relaxing trip than she gets. After wrecking her car by colliding with the town moose, she meets the most handsome hero she´s ever seen. Unfortunately, her savior, Will Abbott, is also the son of her client – and he wants nothing to do with the new website of the city girl creating it. For all Will cares, Cameron can march her fancy boots right out of town and out of his family´s business. But he can´t seem to get her out of his head. As his family´s dispute heats up, so does the chemistry between the two, leaving them wondering if simple is better after all – especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
Cameron couldn´t be any more frustrated. She is in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night and has no clue what to do. And when she hits something big, her brand new car gets so broken, she can´t even drive to the next motel. And not to mention her brand new boots! So with a laughing eye and one filled with tears over her ruined boots, she takes the offer of the gorgeous looking, but grumpy stranger to take her to her hotel for the night. A night she will neither forget nor ever regret.
Marie Force has a beautiful way to describe the fantastic landscape of Vermont or the scenes in this novel. Her writing style is easy to read, full of heart and emotions, and very well written. You can actually see the snowy mountains; smell the maple syrup and all the cooking that´s done in this beautiful story.
Written in the personal narrative perspective from Cameron and Will, the reader is able to see what they think of each other and all the things that happen in this story. Besides that, you get a great feeling of family values, what loyalty means, the power of love, and that friendship can be a big help but on the other hand a little cage.
The author has created some great and very convincing figures. Not only, Cameron and Will, but the main characters give you also the feeling to be one of them and right in the middle of their lives, no, the others are well done as well.
Cameron is the typical town girl. She has no clue what to expect from Vermont, except for (hopefully) a new client. She is totally addicted to her cell phone, her laptop, and all the other things that come with modern society. But she doesn´t think for one second to use all those devices to look online on how the weather in Vermont could be or what conditions the streets could be in. She has a great sense of humor, is able to laugh about herself, and always looks for a solution to make her customers happy. And she knows how to fight. For her business, for herself and others in a very charming way.
Marie Force is definitely a great author. She writes with heart and makes you want more; more of everything. If you want to lose yourself in a great story with beautifully created characters and a fantastic landscape - this is definitely your book. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
*I read the German edition new release September 22, 2016, by Fischer TB
Marie Force
Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes series as well as stand-alone novels. While her husband was in the U.S. Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland, and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island.
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