I am doing another first: Wrapping up a month which I´ve never done before on my blog. What?! Wait a minute, September is already over? Wow, time is really flying by. I can´t believe that we are running towards Christmas with huge steps (considering all the autumn and Christmas cookies you can already get in stores) and that September is now over.
I wasn´t sure if I should start doing a monthly wrap-up now. The year is almost over and some would say that it would look better and make more sense to start a wrap-up thing rather at the beginning of a year and doing it throughout that entire year instead of starting it three months before the years over. And yes, some might be right with that, but I think differently.
I feel like writing one, and I thought, too, September has always been a special month for me since my mother; one of my cousins; two friends and me are born on three different days during that month. And since 9/11 this month has an even more special meaning for me. So, why not wrap it up now instead of waiting until the year is over. And besides, I can still do a yearly wrapping up, don´t I?!
During this past month I´ve read eleven (!), yup, that´s correct, ELEVEN books and can´t hardly believe it myself, that I was that busy with reading. On the other hand, my TV was mostly turned off, I don´t listen to a radio so I had plenty of time in the evenings and sometimes during the day to fill. So why not read a book and dive deep into other people´s worlds, their dreams, and hopes and see how they´re doing? Yes, I KNOW, an imaginary character is not a real person, but I like to think of them as if.
I had some fun times over the past few weeks as much as some really crappy ones got my share of anger along the way and sometimes had the feeling that I am about to go nuts.
Well, I didn´t, but it was close.
And at some point, I saw that I almost bought as many books as I´ve read. Oh yes, my book budget is way over the line, literally exploded, to be honest, and nope, I will not tell how much I already spent on books – and I still have three more months to go before I can call 2016 done *sigh*
Yes, this September was a memorable one, and that not only because I had my special day, no I mean in general. I met some new friends in the blogosphere, found some new authors I love to read, and am looking forward to getting some new releases in October. But that is another story and I will post about that another day. And not to forget the crazy weather we had. It was either very hot or very cold, very stormy, or totally wind still. And on top of all the entire country is as dry as sand. We had far too little rain and so the apples are not as big as some sorts of them usually are.
Good, so I am wrapping up a kind of golden September and looking forward to October with fall starting and all kinds of colored leaves falling from the trees (I have some huge and very old birch trees and a wonderful chestnut tree around the house, so falling leaves are granted).
Happy reading

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