This is a Friday meme now hosted by Patricia of FiktiveWelten. Every week she asks a question that you can answer. Everyone who would like to participate can do so. The rules you can find here.
This week the question is: How do you treat books? Are you treating them like raw eggs that need to be nurtured or do they have Donkey´s ears, a broken back, and other blemishes when you are done with them? Aaaaaaw, alone the last part of that question gives me the creeps.
I HATE it when a book, even a new one, looks like fresh out of the trash can or when I find in a borrowed book from the library the chocolate crumbs someone else has left between the pages! How can readers be so rude to books?! I´ll never get it.
So, as you probably already guessed, I treat my books like their royalty. They look brand new, even after I´ve read them. Because I handle them with love, admiration, and caution. I enjoy holding them in my hands and want them to be in a perfect state - always.
In my eyes, it does look way better when the books on your shelves are in a great or brand new state. It is just a wonderful picture.
Of course, I do have books that aren´t looking brand new anymore. Sometimes I buy used books, but then I look at what state they are. A few decent scratches here and there, okay, but if they look like someone was angry or in rage and got rid of his/her anger by running a knife across the cover or back I don´t even like to pay money, no matter how much then, for it.
Does that answer the question?

Haha, dear Vi, it does answer my question very well! ;o)
ReplyDeleteConcerning books from the library I'm shocked about people having no respect at all. Sometimes they kill vermin with books and often you can find things much more disgusting than this. Crumbs and spots are even harmless. :o(
I guess I will never understand that way of treating a book. On the other hand we might be a special kind of species - we book lovers who treat them as if they were our eye balls :-)