Christopher Ross knows Alaska from many tours he´s done in the US and his fascination for the country, the people, and its wildlife comes through with every word he´s writing in this series. The English title would be Defenseless on Red Mountain should this title ever be published in this language. With this book, the author is back to his entertaining and thrilling way of telling a story. It never becomes boring, you don´t know what will happen on the next page and those scenes with the Grizzly are just gorgeous.
Schutzlos Am Red Mountain*
by Christopher RossAlaska Wilderness Series #4
Publisher Ueberreuter on July 15, 2015
Genre Children 12+
Pages 230
Format Hardcover
Source Library
Jimmy Archer and his sister Holly are well-established wildlife filmmakers. They are known for their breathtaking recordings, as well as for their passion and adventurous spirits. For their current film project “Family of Bears” Julie assists them as overseer and guide because nobody knows more about handling wild animals than the young ranger. The story becomes problematic, however, when the young photographer Terry secretly follows the group and runs into danger …
Julie finally made it and is now a full-time Park Ranger at the Denali National Park in Alaska. A job she does with passion, pride, and all her heart. A heart that gets tested, when she receives the order from her boss to take care of a film team that wants to make a documentation about the Grizzlies at the Denali National Park. Very soon she sees herself in a permanent fight with the boss of the film team and has to learn that the man is reckless and would do anything to get the pictures he wants. And when she also has to fight the mobbing at a school in Fairbanks and to help a young teenager to find the right way in life, she is convinced that sooner or later she will either freak out or snap at some one´s neck.
This fourth book in the Alaska Wilderness series is again written in the personal perspective of Julie, the main figure, and shows an action-filled and wonderful story with the fantastic and magical landscape of the mountain region of Alaska.
Christopher Ross writes with dignity, respect, and very sensitive about daily life there, how people have to struggle or fight for what they want, and that not everything is wonderful.
Reckless people give the Park Rangers a hard time, rules are for everyone but them and during the summer life is a bit easier but not less adventurous.
The characters haven´t changed much; though they have gone through a kind of change. Especially Julie; she is still a bit overhasty when it comes to certain things, is too fast with negative thoughts and if it wouldn´t be for her best friend, she would´ve probably done the biggest mistake of her life. But she´s got a heart of gold and is a person you can steal horses with.
Her passion for her work and her Huskies are just adorable and even at her young age she stands her ground and knows what to do. Okay, she sometimes can be a bit brittle but only for her own protection.
Very haunting, filled with action and even more great scenes and some dialogues that entertain you very much. If you haven´t read that series yet, start it – it´s really worth your time. Can´t wait to read the fifth book which is scheduled to be published in September 2016.
Happy reading
*This title was at the time of review only available in the German language.
Christopher Ross
Christopher Ross is the pseudonym of Thomas Jeier, born in Minden, Westfalen in 1947. He grew up in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. After his apprenticeship as a bookseller, he became editor in chief of a youth magazine. He lives nearby Munich and “on the road” in the USA. For his books and documentary films, he has been decorated several times.
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