Again the author tells a wonderful story set in the fascinating landscape of Alaska. What it means to protect nature, wild animals, as well as human beings tells the author in a very entertaining way. Okay, it may seem awkward that a grown-up is reading a children´s book with such pleasure and joy, but why not? The story about Julie and her big dream isn´t only something a twelve-year-old can get excited about. The author understands it perfectly to bring nature and a haunting story together without losing the view for reality and a beautiful landscape who can turn within seconds into a deadly scene if you don´t live by the rules.
Die Wölfe Vom Rock Creek*
by Christopher RossAlaska Wilderness Series #2
Publisher Ueberreuter on September 9, 2013
Genre Children 12+
Pages 240
Format Hardcover
Source Library
Julie takes part in a scientific program, in which the behavior of wolf pack in and around the Denali National Park shall be examined. One wolf pack at Rock Creek Julie is very taken by since this pack survives under heavy natural conditions. But the local trappers look at it very suspiciously because it endangers their business. Soon Julie finds herself in a feud between trapper and animal rights activists.
Julie is shocked when she finds out that someone is shooting the wolves who live around the Denali National Park just for the fun of it. She can´t understand why someone wants them dead. And when the unknown person shoots them even inside the park, she is willing to do whatever she can to make that stop. Together with the help of the handsome Dr. John Blake, she goes on a hunt; a hunt that turns out to be as dangerous as the unknown person itself.
From the very beginning, the story is haunting, full of action, and very entertaining. The reader gets catapulted into a captivating plot and the helicopter flight is one hell of a breathtaking ride. Not only for the involved characters but the reader as well. You will read this in a rapid tempo and with a bit melancholic tone, but that changes the fact that you´ll experience a great reading pleasure. Through the personal perspective of Julie, the reader gets to know her thoughts, feelings, and why she does what she does.
Christopher Ross describes the daily work at the Denali National Park very sensitively, shows that nature has her own rules and that humans and animals alike can only live in peace if they accept and respect those rules.
It is Christopher Ross´ character to describe his figures only very canny. The readers´ own fantasy is asked, something that only gives a plus to this beautiful children´s book. Despite that their very convincing, profound, and understand to elate the reader.
This time, Julie stands between two men. One she likes very much, with the other she´s only playing. Something I´d never thought she´d do, but it happens and it doesn´t make her any less likable.
Actually, at this point in her life, she has no time for a relationship – her desire to become a ranger at the Denali National Park is more important to her than ever before. But both men are very resistant to let her go, and so she finds herself very soon in a dilemma. How that will be solved by her is not answered in this book, but this triangular relationship brings the special kick into the plot and makes the story even more haunting and exciting.
All kinds of different men were gathered in this novel. There is a doctor who´s real life is his daily work at the clinic, the biologist who works to research the wolves and to protect them and the very young State Trooper who´s actually a greenhorn. Together there are very interesting in combination and for this novel very entertaining.
A wonderful novel that shows an incredible landscape contains a fantastic atmosphere and scores with a very haunting plot. If you like to go on a journey with the help of your own imagination, then this is your book. Highly recommended.
Happy reading
*This title was at the time of review only available in the German language.
Christopher Ross
Christopher Ross is the pseudonym of Thomas Jeier, born in Minden, Westfalen in 1947. He grew up in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. After his apprenticeship as a bookseller, he became editor in chief of a youth magazine. He lives nearby Munich and “on the road” in the USA. For his books and documentary films, he has been decorated several times.
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