This book is the third in the Alaska Wilderness series by the author. A few years back I found the first book by accident in my town library and the cover was so nice to look at and the back text sounded so promising that I couldn´t resist. Christopher Ross is a German author who is kind of fascinated by the USA and Alaska and so most of his novels are about that fascination. All of those books are about Julie Wilson and her dream to become a Ranger at the Denali National Park. She even cuts her private life back to not existing to come one step closer to that dream. She has a great hand for Huskies and treats them as if they were her children. Together with them, she goes through a lot of adventures and dangerous situations.
Allein Am Stony Creek*
by Christopher RossAlaska Wilderness Series #3
Publisher Ueberreuter on September 12, 2014
Genre Children 12+
Pages 256
Format Hardcover
Source Library
When Julie Wilson is on one of her inspection rounds with her dog sled, one of her dogs suddenly collapses. The vet finds out that it has been poisoned. Who is responsible for this? On a trip to Fairbanks the case takes an unexpected turn: Julie realizes that she is being followed by a young man. He´s friendly at first, but soon she feels uncomfortable. When he kidnaps the young puppy and escapes into the wilderness of Mount McKinley, the situation takes a dramatic turn ….
Julie gets asked if she could take over two Husky puppies an old couple can´t raise anymore on their own. With the approval of her boss, she agrees, not knowing that she´ll have to face a lot of trouble and dangerous situations because one doesn´t want her to give them more attention than him. And then there is her unhappy private situation with her boyfriend Josh. When she breaks up with him he totally freaks out and new problems come up. Yes, life is never boring at the Denali National Park.
Allein am Stony Creek is written in the personal perspective of Julie. The writing style is very beautiful, well written and you can really imagine how the landscape at that park is, how the mountains look like and when a Blizzard comes out of the blue you actually feel the freezing temperatures and ice-cold danger that comes with it. Christopher Ross has usually a very haunting way of putting his novels into words. Well, this time, it wasn´t quite that good, but still, I enjoyed reading this third book of his Alaska Wilderness series. His language is soft, sensitive and every word is in place. Emotions come up in a decent way and even the most dangerous situations are for kids very good to read and experience.
Every character in this series has a very good reason why they do what they do. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. They do what they have to do to protect what they love. For some, it means poaching, for others protecting the wild animals and the great Alaska nature from evil. Not always successful, but there is always some kind of happy end in Christopher Ross´s novels. But not in a kitschy way.
Julie is a unique woman. Raised by parents who are both successful doctors, she had to learn very early that she isn´t the main priority in their life or marriage. Now after the divorce of her parents, she lives close to her father and starts to build a warm relation with him. But her childhood embossed her. She is no woman for a one night stand nor is she able to flirt with every man that comes around. Underneath her rough shell, she is a great person with a big heart and a smart mind.
This third book wasn´t as good as the other two before, but I liked how the author is describing the great landscapes of Alaska and how life is. I hope this series will be available one day in English because it is a really beautiful series though I am giving this one here only three stars (both of the others got four).
Happy reading
*This title was at the time of review only available in the German language.
Christoper Ross
Christopher Ross is the pseudonym of Thomas Jeier, born in Minden, Westfalen in 1947. He grew up in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. After his apprenticeship as a bookseller, he became editor in chief of a youth magazine. He lives nearby Munich and “on the road” in the USA. For his books and documentary films, he has been decorated several times.
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