After I´ve read already quite a number of books so far, I thought I had to check how my status was with this challenge. To my utter surprise, I found out, that I had already achieved my set goal of 15, which makes me a
New Release Newbie *YAY*
Okay, I admit, I found out about those exciting news a few weeks ago, but I wanted to wait until I had posted them all, and then - well you probably guessed it - life got in the way. I made a short Woot Woot on Facebook within the New Release Challenge Group. Sorry but if you´re not a member there, you won´t be able to read it, that´s why I am doing a little shoutout here too.
Since I haven´t stopped reading books after achieving my sign-up goal and since some of the books I get and read are happen to be New Releases that fit the requirement of 100 pages and more, I think I expand my goal to the
31-45 Books per Year Level
which would make me, by reaching it, a New Release Veteran. So let´s see if I can manage that, too.
Best wishes

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