I just got my very first Tweet published *yay* and Instagram is in preparation to follow! This is a big step for me since I never ever thought of setting up a Twitter account not to mention one on Instagram! Sure, I noticed my friends´ activities there when they shared it on one of those social media sites where I am, too. Saw and still see other bloggers show off what they Tweet every day right on their blog homepage; but it never felt important to me to be there myself nor did I feel the need to set up those accounts.
And I have to be honest; I kind of get the creeps when I think about all the work that comes along with social media. Since I am running my blog I can barely catch up and stay updated on Facebook or Goodreads, not to mention Pinterest – so why start another one? Didn´t make sense at all to me. It took me quite some weeks to find kind of a routine I could live with to get my blog posts out in the open without having to spend several hours on that in front of my laptop. Sometimes I simply felt and still feel overwhelmed with all the activities needed, the catching up, the staying updated to keep all the followers I gained or to get maybe new ones attracted.
But then I realized two things:
First: Nowadays running a blog without being present at social media (I am talking about the big & most important ones here) seems kind of weird to others and you get asked a lot “What, you are not at …? Why not?"
Second: If I do it the way I feel about it, it is fun and less stressful. Still work, yes, and I need now a calendar to schedule everything, but the fun came back and that´s the most important thing.
And when I finally got what I wanted for a long time for my upcoming blog makeover (stay tuned and see *smile*) I had to be honest with myself and admit that I would have to do two steps at once to avoid any tech trouble. So after quite some time on various social media and other helping platforms to spread my blog activity into the www, I know now that I don´t need to focus on every single one of them every single day. In fact, some of those social media icons could easily vanish from my homepage´s menu without people even noticing it; and still running smoothly. As long as I have the important ones, or at least a few of them showing on my blog, it is enough for my blog friends.
So today is one BIG DAY for me, ´cause I not only set up one - BUT TWO - new social media accounts.
Okay, I admit, it took me a few minutes to figure out how things work there, and to set up everything, but I hope my current and future followers will like it and enjoy what I am posting on those accounts from now on. Well, I can´t promise that I will post something hourly on my new accounts, at least not as long as I am using my ancient cell phone, but Rome wasn´t built in a day as well, right?
Now I am curious how things will go for me and my blog with those two additions and I am very excited that I finally made that step. So feel free to follow me if you like on whatever site you prefer and if you leave me a comment here and let me know where I can find you on social media, I will return the favor with pleasure.
Happy reading

Good luck, Vi! I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quickly. And you can probably set up something so that your blogposts get automatically posted to Twitter and Facebook, that's what I do. And when I post something to Instagram, I have it shared on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr :)
ReplyDeleteHave a fantastic Friday!
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Hi Lexxie, thanks a lot for your helpful information :-) and thanks for stopping by.
DeleteA fantastic Friday to you too!