This Saturday morning turned out to be one of the most pleasurable ones that I had in months. I went into town to get a few things done, walked into our local book store, and what do I find? The best part of my conclusion for "The Year I Met You" was printed on the back of the German edition - how great is that?! I was so stunned, so surprised and when the joy finally kicked in and I realized what I just read there on the back of this book and that the name of the German literature website Leser-Welt was written right (you have no idea how many times they forget to put that hyphen between those two words!), I couldn´t resist and had to take this picture. Understandable, isn´t it?!

It doesn´t happen very often, that I find a conclusion from my book reviews on that particular book, so this made a free and sunny day even brighter and happier. And the funny thing is, one of my team members from Leser-Welt found a few days ago on a cooking website the banner ad of this book. And there was my conclusion shown too. I was already full of joy when I saw that, ´cause it´s always great to see that your work gets somehow valued. But, to be honest, it is one thing to hear it or get it shown from someone else, but a totally different number to see my conclusion life and for real on the physical book myself - that was really quite special.

For all those, who can´t read it, my conclusion there in the picture says:

An incredibly beautiful novel, in which life holds the best lessons.

Happy reading



  1. That's so cool, Vi! And I'm so happy for you that a part of your review is included on the actual book! Well done :)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I still can´t believe it! The entire Leser-Welt team is very excited and full of joy *laugh*


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