This Girl is the third and last part of Colleen Hoovers Slammed trilogy. Sometimes it pays off that you don´t read a book during its hype. After I´ve heard so many good things about this trilogy, got so many times asked why I hadn´t read it, I kind of felt awkward and went to the library to see if they had it. Not every book I read is bought by me. They had all three of them I took them and kind of read all three in one single swoop. That is one of the positive reasons why reading books after the hype is over (or almost over) is one of my favorite things to do: I don´t have to wait for months to see how the story will continue! The Slammed trilogy is no exception. I only asked myself after a few pages of the first book, why I hadn´t changed my mind about hypes for this one. Well, this third one was a wonderful read although it didn´t get to me as much as the first one did.
This Girl
by Colleen HooverSlammed Trilogy #3
Publisher Atria Books on August 13, 2013
Genre Novel
Pages 320
Format Paperback
Source Library
Layken and Will´s love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances and the young loves, now married, are beginning to feel safe and secure in their union. As much as Layken relishes their new life together, she finds herself wanting to know everything there is to know about her husband, even though Will makes it clear he prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong. Still, he can´t resist his wife´s pleas and so he begins to untangle his side of the story, revealing for the first time his most intimate feelings and thoughts, retelling both the good and bad moments, and sharing a few shocking confessions of his own from the time when they first met.
The story changes back and forth after Layken asked Will to let her re-experience how their beginning was. Her request brings a lot of memories back, a lot of pain, anger, and jealousy because Layken doesn´t always like what Will tells her. Colleen Hoover´s wonderful writing style lets the reader participate not only what Layken and Will do during their honeymoon, but also how Will experienced the things, which happened in book one Slammed. The story changes back and forth after Layken asked Will to let her re-experience how their beginning was. The story told from Will´s point of view, shows the reader scenes he already knew but now with dialogue in them, and scenes where no dialogue was in and now is. It never gets boring and it is quite interesting to discover how some things had been back then. The author writes clear, with grace and the scenes where the Poetry slams were told in that club were great. They gave that novel the special something.
Can someone please tell me, why Layken can´t grow up like Will did over the first two books? I really thought sometimes she´s acting like a little toddler: childish, stubborn and without any reason. Don´t get me wrong, I do like her and Will, Kel and Caulder, that´s not the point, but for what reason ever, Layken didn´t develop. At least I haven´t noticed it.
Although I enjoyed reading this last part of Colleen Hoovers Slammed Trilogy it wasn´t as much fun as the first book. No doubt, the author has kept her wonderful writing style, but I missed the dot on the “i” … know what I mean?
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