This is one of the most beautiful series, Nora Roberts has ever written. No matter how long it has been since I´ve read those series the first time, it is always a pleasure to re-read it. And every time I do so I find something new that catches my eye and I get again touched by it. Nora Roberts´s writing style in this saga is a bit different from the style her books show today. I am not saying, that´s bad, but as a longtime Nora Roberts fan I can tell the tone today is slightly another. But despite that, this series is beautiful in its setting, shows the perfect amount of feelings, bad situations, what family means and can be like and that there is nothing greater than being loved and to feel it. After Cam and Anna, it´s now Ethan´s and Grace´s turn to step on the emotional rollercoaster.
Rising Tides
by Nora RobertsChesapeake Bay Saga #2
Publisher Berkley on June 4, 2013
Genre Novel
Pages 368
Format Paperback
Source Purchased
Ethan Quinn is a waterman. He wasn´t born to the tradition but has embraced it. He´s a quiet man whose heart runs as deep as the waters he loves. And now, with his father gone, Ethan is determined to make the family boatbuilding business a success. But amidst his achievements lie the most important challenges of his life …There´s a young boy who needs him and a woman and child he loves but never believed he could have. To shape his life around them, Ethan must face his own dark past – and accept not only who he is but what he hopes to become.
The wellbeing of a young boy is all that matters to the three grown-up Quinn brothers Ethan, Cam, and Phillip. Each of them went through hell during their childhood and for Ethan, sexual abuse is nothing he doesn´t know. But it also means for him, that he will never have a family of his own, and marriage is completely out of the question. So when the woman, whom he loves for many years, starts to tell him, that she wants him and what she wants of him, he is totally out of his usual balance. To know, that he has a monster inside him, that, if unleashed, could hurt her or even worse, could make her hate him, brings back his nightmares, and forces him to make a decision. One, Grace does not like.
The story is written in the figural narrative situation and lets the reader know what Ethan and Grace think, how they feel about certain things, and what they do to protect the ones they love. Was the first book embossed with the heat and temper that Cam and Anna have inside them, so is the atmosphere of this second book calmer. Ethan is extremely patient and his self-control kind of scary. The background story is the sexual abuse of little children, drugs, and mothers who sell their kids for a shot. Nora Roberts writes with sensitiveness about that horrible topic and shows with great scenes and even better dialogues how the three men handle the new situation, what they do to give Seth a stable and secure home as well as family life and what the changes in their daily life brings to them in return.
The powerful bond that comes with a loving and caring family is shown in a wonderful novel about love, family, and what it means to stand for one another, no matter what. Ethan, Phillip, and Cam have to step in, as their father Ray dies suddenly after a car accident and leaves them with a promise he gave to young Seth. A promise that´s now up to be kept by the three grown-up Quinn brothers.
Although I have to admit, that this second book of the Chesapeake Bay saga isn´t as great as the first book Sea Swept, I still enjoyed reading it very much. And to be honest I count this saga to one of the best Nora Roberts has ever written.
Nora Roberts
Nora Roberts, born in Silver Spring, Maryland, is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels. During the now-famous blizzard, she pulled out a pencil and notebook and began to write. It was there that a career was born. Several manuscripts and rejections later, her first book, Irish Thoroughbred, was published by Silhouette in 1981. Having spent her life surrounded by men, Ms. Roberts has a fairly good view of the workings of the male mind, which is a constant delight to her readers. It was, she’s been quoted as saying, a choice between figuring men out or running away screaming. Nora is a member of several writers groups and has won countless awards from her colleagues and the publishing industry. Recently The New Yorker called her “America’s favorite novelist.” She is also the author of the bestselling futuristic suspense series written under the pen name J. D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.
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